Jan 5, 12
Other articles:
  • Information on headaches in children and teens, provided by nurses and
  • Although headaches among children and adults with lupus are frequent, no
  • Dec 18, 2008 . The two most common types of headaches in children are tension headaches
  • In addition to the headache, the children complain of photophobia, dizziness, a
  • Oct 25, 2007 . Headache is a frequent symptom in children but deciding whether or not it is due
  • Headaches in children — Comprehensive overview covers causes, symptoms
  • --mom of an 11-year-old patient in the Children's Headache Program. Many
  • Nov 29, 2008 . What kind of help should I seek for my child who has frequent headaches? It is
  • Jun 16, 2011 . Headaches are common in children, occurring in up to 90 percent of school-age
  • Nov 14, 2010 . Dr. Kutscher's fifth book, Organizing the Disorganized Child: Simple . epilepsy,
  • Migraine headaches are common in children and occur with increasing
  • Learn about the causes, triggers (foods, sugar, caffeine), symptoms, types,
  • Aug 30, 2010 . Doctors say frequent headaches and migraines are among the most common
  • Frequent Headaches in Children: Diagnosis and Management. Series Editors:
  • A headache complaint may be a familiar refrain for many parents, but what does
  • Headaches are common in children. Headaches that begin early in life can
  • Jun 27, 2000 . A discussion of the common causes of headaches in children, including migraine
  • Headaches in children have many causes including sinus disease, brain tumor,
  • Feb 15, 2002 . Headaches are common during childhood and become more common and
  • Oct 19, 2011 . Migraine is a headache condition that comes back again and again. Ten percent
  • Headaches and migraines are uncommon before the age of four, but all types of
  • Headaches in children — Comprehensive overview covers causes, symptoms
  • Tension-type headaches affect 15 to 20% of adolescents and a lower percentage
  • Director , New York Headache Center The problem of headaches in children has
  • Sinus headaches often begin as soon as you get up in the morning, and may be
  • Check medical symptoms for headaches in children with the self-assessment
  • Dec 29, 2011 . Typical "brain tumor headaches" are often described as worse in the morning, .
  • We all know how difficult it can be when your child isn't feeling well and theya re
  • Children and teens generally experience tension-type or migraine headaches.
  • Sep 20, 2008 . Overview: Headaches are very common—not just in adults, but in children, too.
  • Even though majority of headaches in children are normal, it is important to
  • Sep 15, 2010 . Headaches in children are usually caused by a viral illness, heat, sunlight or
  • Treating headache is important in children, since they lose an average of 7.8
  • Like adults, children and adolescents suffer from headaches. Most often, their
  • Overview about headaches in children and adolescents includes the type of
  • Jul 18, 2011 . Today, I received a question from a mom whose 8-year-old child suffers from
  • Paul Winner, DO, FAAN, FAAJP, FAHS Director, Palm Beach Headache Center
  • Kids can get headaches quite often, and usually they are harmless. Sometimes,
  • Children can suffer from the same types of headaches as adults do although their
  • Headaches in Children. Headaches can be a common problem in children.
  • Oct 4, 2010 . Headaches are common in children. However, they are always a reason for
  • Most chronic headache sufferers have felt tightening in their muscles, particularly
  • Causes of Headaches; Common Types of Headaches; When to Call the Doctor;
  • One of the ways that children demonstrate stress is through complaints of
  • HEADACHES IN CHILDREN. A headache is one of the most common complaints
  • Many adults with headaches started having their headaches as children, with 20
  • The most common cause of headaches in children is a viral infection such as a
  • Headaches and migraines are very common in children and adolescents. Here
  • Apr 8, 2011 . You assume it's just a headache and that it'll go away on its own. But what if it
  • Oct 14, 2011 . Migraines are incapacitating, throbbing headaches frequently located in the

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