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Information on headaches in children and teens, provided by nurses and
Although headaches among children and adults with lupus are frequent, no
Dec 18, 2008 . The two most common types of headaches in children are tension headaches
In addition to the headache, the children complain of photophobia, dizziness, a
Oct 25, 2007 . Headache is a frequent symptom in children but deciding whether or not it is due
Headaches in children — Comprehensive overview covers causes, symptoms
--mom of an 11-year-old patient in the Children's Headache Program. Many
Nov 29, 2008 . What kind of help should I seek for my child who has frequent headaches? It is
Jun 16, 2011 . Headaches are common in children, occurring in up to 90 percent of school-age
Nov 14, 2010 . Dr. Kutscher's fifth book, Organizing the Disorganized Child: Simple . epilepsy,
Migraine headaches are common in children and occur with increasing
Learn about the causes, triggers (foods, sugar, caffeine), symptoms, types,
Aug 30, 2010 . Doctors say frequent headaches and migraines are among the most common
Frequent Headaches in Children: Diagnosis and Management. Series Editors:
A headache complaint may be a familiar refrain for many parents, but what does
Headaches are common in children. Headaches that begin early in life can
Jun 27, 2000 . A discussion of the common causes of headaches in children, including migraine
Headaches in children have many causes including sinus disease, brain tumor,
Feb 15, 2002 . Headaches are common during childhood and become more common and
Oct 19, 2011 . Migraine is a headache condition that comes back again and again. Ten percent
Headaches and migraines are uncommon before the age of four, but all types of
Headaches in children — Comprehensive overview covers causes, symptoms
Tension-type headaches affect 15 to 20% of adolescents and a lower percentage
Director , New York Headache Center The problem of headaches in children has
Sinus headaches often begin as soon as you get up in the morning, and may be
Check medical symptoms for headaches in children with the self-assessment
Dec 29, 2011 . Typical "brain tumor headaches" are often described as worse in the morning, .
We all know how difficult it can be when your child isn't feeling well and theya re
Children and teens generally experience tension-type or migraine headaches.
Sep 20, 2008 . Overview: Headaches are very common—not just in adults, but in children, too.
Even though majority of headaches in children are normal, it is important to
Sep 15, 2010 . Headaches in children are usually caused by a viral illness, heat, sunlight or
Treating headache is important in children, since they lose an average of 7.8
Like adults, children and adolescents suffer from headaches. Most often, their
Overview about headaches in children and adolescents includes the type of
Jul 18, 2011 . Today, I received a question from a mom whose 8-year-old child suffers from
Paul Winner, DO, FAAN, FAAJP, FAHS Director, Palm Beach Headache Center
Kids can get headaches quite often, and usually they are harmless. Sometimes,
Children can suffer from the same types of headaches as adults do although their
Headaches in Children. Headaches can be a common problem in children.
Oct 4, 2010 . Headaches are common in children. However, they are always a reason for
Most chronic headache sufferers have felt tightening in their muscles, particularly
Causes of Headaches; Common Types of Headaches; When to Call the Doctor;
One of the ways that children demonstrate stress is through complaints of
HEADACHES IN CHILDREN. A headache is one of the most common complaints
Many adults with headaches started having their headaches as children, with 20
The most common cause of headaches in children is a viral infection such as a
Headaches and migraines are very common in children and adolescents. Here
Apr 8, 2011 . You assume it's just a headache and that it'll go away on its own. But what if it
Oct 14, 2011 . Migraines are incapacitating, throbbing headaches frequently located in the