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TruRecoil Break Free Eezox CorrosionX Prolix Gunzilla Outers Tri-Lube
slip 2000 ewl vs gunzilla for lube AR General Discussion. . Oh, FWIW I'm
They state on a test AR the gunzilla ran the weapon 43 degrees cooler than . .
I know there are getting to be a lot of these threads. But I'm mostly interested in
not sure if I'm posting this in the right place or not. ? if not, I apologize. anybody
Notice that he does not use any solvent or lube (not even Ballistol . For the past
I tried to do a search for laboratory or other official results. . In one of your posts
Ignoring any questions about objective comparisons or other data, plus these
I would just like to hear from anyone else that has tried a couple of CLP's that are
I had tried a small bottle of the Gunzilla last year & liked it, but they said it . As a
. pleaseso what is the bike shop eezox Vs weapon shield, eezox onuse eezox .
Slip 2000 or Froglube. bigkracka is offline . Posts: 49. Grey40 .22. Gunzilla for
Thanks http://www.gunzilla.us/contact.htm. . The format is a bit different from the
is it recommended or not and if not why??? . can works great. I also highly
I had been hearing alot about breakfree clp and weapon shield. . clp and
So if you use FP10 or Breakfree CLP, make sure you are using other . I still think
FrogLube vs Gunzilla vs ?? General . I'll send you the piece or we can schedule
That's quite a claim, But if you give gunzilla a try you'll see why we think . Please
Gunzilla is a great cleaner, non toxic and doesn't stink up the house. My
Positive or negative. Thanks. BobCole [Team Member]. 6/3/2008 7:16:10 PM.
I noticed that after the first one or two cleanings with this mix that it now only takes
Should I stick with G96 or test out the rest? . Currently I use Weapon Shield CLP
I love the liquid CLP in a spray bottle vs. the aerosol you don't waste nearly as .
Run a bead down the frame or slide rails and leave it at that. . . I will be receiving
I also like Weapon Shield CLP for a good general purpose lube or for really . ..
I use Weaponshield on the lube points, rather than relying on the Gunzilla as a
Weapon Lube Gunzilla . I clean with CLP, and lube with Weaponshield. I can
I currently use Weapon Shield oil and grease, and I like them, but just about .
To wipe it down after cleaning: Rig Grease or Weapon Shield Marine . . Here is a
I have been using ezox for over a year on my duty weapon, ccw and mac smg
You don't really need much to clean either, so 4 or 16oz will be around for a while
I read these two posts about a year ago at Gunzilla, The Worlds Best Gun . .
Then I run one wet patch of Weapon Shield through the barrel and I get . Similar
Gunzilla Review, Gunzilla Sale, Gunzilla BC-10, Gunzilla Oil, Gunzilla CLP,
But. is it unwise to use BOTH Ballistol and Weaponshield together? . If
He swears by Gunzilla BC-10 as his primary gun cleaner and lubricant. . a
Jul 3, 2009 . Evo Shield Shooting System (11) . Gunzilla performs best when no other
FrogLube vs Gunzilla vs ?? General . I'll send you the piece or we can schedule
I hear alot of guys talking about using Gunzilla ( Or any other clp) to lube and
I did a little test this weekend with Gunzilla gun cleaner. . Which did you use, the
same difference or what? Also someone . I've had great success with Gunzilla
Weapons shield is good but i am satisfied with Remoil. . . I recently been trying
At present I would rate Gunzilla's lubrication properties as being better than
In very harsh environments or if the guns sit in the safe for very long periods . I
Put in a net bag or something to prevent tangling up in the washer. I have only . .
. about Gunzilla? How bout compared to Weapon Shield or Gun Butter? .
Jul 13, 2011 . Ballistol, Gunzilla & Water . Rem oil seems to dry up after a month or so, and for
. clp and weapon shield shield clp and so many others like gunzilla and Ballistol
I like EEZOX for rust control and Weapon Shield for a lite lub. . Gunzilla for
I haven't done much running in fine dust, mud or sand. but I haven't been able . .