Other articles:
Apr 19, 2011 . Apple has reportedly blocked all of Amazon to prevent saurik's SHSH servers
Apr 20, 2011 . It seems Apple has blocked access to their gs.apple.com server… but not really!
Apr 19, 2011 . Well it seems Apple has blocked access to their gs.apple.com server, which
Apr 19, 2011 . Apple has blocked all of Amazon (where @saurik's SHSH servers are hosted)
Apr 19, 2011 . Apple has blocked all of Amazon (where @saurik's SHSH servers are hosted)
Mar 24, 2011 . If you have SHSH blobs saved on Cydia or Saurik server, add the following line
Apple has blocked all of Amazon to prevent saurik's SHSH servers from accessing
I think Apple outsmarted Saurik for iPhone restore. . topic, the ONLY way to
Mar 29, 2011 . This happens despite the shsh blobs saved on saurik's server and changing the
Jul 25, 2011 . I was getting nowhere with the gs.apple.com string in . . in front
Aug 14, 2011. jailbreak untethered Limera1n redsn0w Freisetzung saurik ShSh Sn0wbreeze
I tried to restore, but just didnt get wat ya mean by using the saurik server. i tried
Apr 19, 2011 . Apple has blocked all of Amazon (where @saurik's SHSH servers are hosted)
Apr 19, 2011 . Well it seems Apple has blocked access to their gs.apple.com server, which
Note that many people are currently having problems updating to 4.3.2 through
Apr 19, 2011 . Well it seems Apple has blocked access to their gs.apple.com server, which
Apr 19, 2011 . Apple has reportedly blocked all of Amazon to prevent saurik\'s SHSH servers
Jun 8, 2011 . telnet gs.apple.com 80 . telnet cydia.saurik.com 80 . Content-Length: 411 Host:
According to chpwn, “Apple has blocked all of Amazon to prevent Saurik's SHSH
[Archive] Plz help iTunes: Restore error 3194 Apple Inc. Products. . 2010-03-25
Dec 6, 2010 . If you are wondering what the IP address is that you are reassociating gs.apple.
If you have #127.0.01 gs.apple.com and gs.apple.com, then
Well it seems Apple has blocked access to their gs.apple.com server, which
Apple released OS 3.1.3 very unexpectedly, OS 3.1.3 for iPhone 3GS is . The
Aug 7, 2011 . To bypass this issue, Saurik, the creator of Cydia, have built a server that
Aug 13, 2011 . I followed Saurik's old guide, adding the line “ gs.apple.com” to my
Apr 19, 2011 . According to the @chpwn that Apple block all of Amazon to prevent saurik's
Oct 28, 2011 . How to Edit Hosts File to Point iTunes to Apple or Saurik's Server? . Tagged with
Apr 20, 2011 . Though to function, Saurik's SHSK server needed access to gs.apple.com which
Mar 31, 2011 . Edit the text file and add the following address at the bottom gs.
Apple has blocked all of Amazon (where @saurik's SHSH servers are hosted)
Use the down arrow key to find the "gs.apple.com" entries. . . and directs any and
The amazon servers (which hosts saurik's SHSH sever) has been blocked by
Apr 19, 2011 . Well it seems Apple has blocked access to their gs.apple.com server, which
May 27, 2010 . Here is Saurik method to restore an old Firmware for the last models . add :
I thought I'd have to hunt down another gs.apple.com IP address and write it in
Saurik's web page still has original link but I came across the other link { 74.208.
Apr 14, 2011 . Step 2. Edit the text file host and add the following address at the bottom: "74.208.
Apr 19, 2011 . Apple has blocked all of Amazon (where @saurik's SHSH servers are hosted)
I can ping gs.apple.com and it resolves saurik's ip. What could I be missing? I
Apr 20, 2011 . Apple has reportedly blocked all of Amazon to prevent saurik's SHSH servers from gs.apple.com. Now, when iTunes thinks it is talking to Apple, it is
If you are wondering what the IP address is that you are reassociating gs.apple.
Jul 7, 2011 . Saurik's article is about how he has set up Cydia to grab the SHSH for everyone's
Apr 19, 2011 . Well it seems Apple has blocked access to their gs.apple.com server, which
Apr 19, 2011 . Apple has blocked all of Amazon (where @saurik's SHSH servers are hosted)
May 24, 2010. small adjustment in Saurik's article Caching Apple's Signature Server. The new
I was pointing gs.apple.com to Saurik's server in /etc/hosts. After removing it and
Well it seems Apple has blocked access to their gs.apple.com server, which
Apr 20, 2011 . Apple has blocked all of Amazon (where @saurik's SHSH servers are hosted)