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. the same name—thereby leaving the “cognitive grunt-work” to each member, .
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Ant. alert, wakeful, rested. drudgery n. menial labor, toil, taskwork, chores, work, (
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. university publishing house unsaturated fatty acid polyunsaturated fatty acid
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However, learning to preindex a file from scratch, create a thesaurus, or use . .
www.memidex.com/dog-robbersSimilara junior officer, or more generally someone who does drudge work. A rough
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MehCachedSimilar"'Meh' joins ranks of little words that do grunt work". Chicago Tribune. p. 2.
dictionary.infoplease.com/grunt-workCachedgrunt work: Definition and Pronunciation. . grunt' work". Slang. work that is
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onlinedictionary.datasegment.com/word/groinSimilarGroin \Groin\, v. i. [F. grogner to grunt, grumble.] . 104 Moby Thesaurus words for
dictionary.reference.com/browse/grunt+workCachedSimilarGrunt work definition, work that is repetitious, often physically exhausting, and