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Jun 23, 2011 . Covey of cavies? Gaggle of guineas? A pride of pigs? A: Wrong, wrong, wrong,
Groups are called Swine. Or also a herd, drove, mob, or sounder of pigs or hogs.
Like pigs, however, a female is called a sow and a male is a boar. But unlike pigs
Top questions and answers about What Do You Call a Group of Pigs. Find 9245
This group sometimes is referred to as Caviomorpha, or guinea-pig-like . Male
Of course you know what a baby dog is called and a baby cat. But what . Do you
A group of pigs is called a 'Pog'. Answer. Pog group of non-related and related .
Sep 15, 2009 . Young females can also be called gilts. As in most pig species, the male bearded
A group of dogs is called a pack. A single dog or a pack of dogs can be bad news
A group of pigs is called a drift,a herd or a team. But if a the group of pigs is being
what do you call a group of pigs? is it a heard or a pack or a group ect. . A group
Groups are called Swine. Or also a herd, drove, mob, or sounder of pigs or hogs.
. of Animals What are the Males, Females, Babies, and Groups of Animals
If you have visited a farm, you have likely seen pigs in the barnyard. Pigs go by
YELLOW GROUP OF COLORS. In the yellow group of colors the one of highest . as
Apr 22, 2008 . Mature swine are called hogs and young swine are called pigs, but in common .
pig (mammal group), wild or domestic swine, a mammal of the Suidae family. .
A group of pigs can be referred to as a drove, herd, or litter. I refer to .
What do you call a group of these animals? . A flock or flight of pigeons. Pig: A
Sep 29, 2006 . Animal Congregations, or What Do You Call a Group of. . Pigs, A drift, drove,
also a group of hippos and rhinos too we were having this discussion . look here
Apr 22, 2008 . Guinea pigs live in groups of 5 to 10 individuals. The female bears . No one is
When startled, guinea pigs sometimes utilize a strategy known as “stampeding”
Aug 6, 2011 . Yahoo For Beginners Asked: What's a group of pigs called? If pigs / wild boar
Aug 31, 2011 . Hormel Foods Called to the Table on Pig Welfare . percent of their crates, and
Baby pigs are commonly called a shoat, farrow or piglet. Female pigs are called
What is a collection of pigs called - trivia question /questions answer / answers. .
The head of a pig can be used to make a preserved jelly called head cheese (
[Archive] Herd? What is a group of pigs called? Pigs.
Group Name. Albatross. Rookery. Alligators. Congregation. Apes. Shrewdness,
Did you know a Baby Lion is called a Cub? And a group of chicken is called a
. pig family. Male pigs are called boars. The females are called sows and the
Dec 21, 2010 . What is the word for a group of pig, any of the animals in the genus Sus, within
Animal Group Terminology. Source: U.S. Geological . Classification, Species
Jan 21, 2010 . Javelinas are often called pigs but they really are not. They are in . Collared
A pig is any of the animals in the genus Sus, within the Suidae family of . pigs
What Is A Group Of Pigs Called? A group of pigs is called swine More ». Similar
Did you know? A group of wild guinea pigs are called herds. A male guinea pig is
Re: what is a group of pigs called? Date: Sun Aug 13 16:52:20 2000. Posted By:
Feb 10, 2006 . Explanation of how police were popularly called pigs after the 1968 . This came
Herd Source: my family grow their own meat, we keep pigs
Search results for What Is a Group of Pigs Called from Nation Metasearch.
Groups of pigs can be called many things. A group of newborns is called a litter.
May 11, 2010 . As a side note, Pig also provides a handy operator called COGROUP, which
The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), also called the cavy, is a species of rodent . .
Every morning, Pig greeted students and faculty on his daily rounds. . Pig's
Breeding-Gestation; Farrowing; Nursery Pigs; Grow-Finishing . Sows typically
. to a murder of crows. The following is a list of the correct terms to describe