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A traffic jam in which no vehicular movement is possible, especially one caused
noun. obstruction of urban traffic caused by queues of vehicles forming across
Expressions, Definition. Gridlock (band), Gridlock is an experimental electronic
Define gridlock in American English. What is gridlock? gridlock meaning and
A traffic jam in which no vehicular movement is possible, especially one caused
Gridlock: A situation that can arise in a funds or securities transfer system in
Download free pdf files and documents about Gridlock Definition or preview the
Dictionary for gridlock : gridlock Definition,gridlock Synonyms,gridlock Thesaurus
noun. a traffic jam, as at an intersection, in which no vehicle can move in any
TrackArtistDownloadLyric: 1."Here's a change (irony!) as a definition of a
Definition of Gridlock. . Gridlock Definition from Business & Finance Dictionaries
Synonyms for gridlock at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms,
A situation in which a business does not function, or functions ineffectively, due to
Nov 18, 2008 . A traffic jam in which no vehicular movement is possible, especially one caused
Complete information and computations for gridlock: detailed linguistic
Definition of gridlock in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of gridlock. What
▶noun a situation of very severe traffic congestion. – derivatives gridlocked
GRIDLOCK. Definition: [noun] a traffic jam so bad that no movement is possible.
gridlock n - definition, audio pronuncation and more for gridlock n: a situation
Aug 26, 2009 . This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of gridlock is. The
Definition of Gridlock with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and
Definition of gridlock from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary
grid·lock audio (gr d l k ) KEY NOUN: A traffic jam in which no vehicular
Define gridlock. What is gridlock? gridlock meaning and more by Macmillan
gridlock definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'griddlecake','
the stoppage of free vehicular movement in an urban area because key
Define gridlock. What is gridlock? gridlock meaning, synonyms and audio
Gridlock definition, definition of gridlock, Anagrams of gridlock, words that start
May 4, 2011 . a traffic jam in which a grid of intersecting streets is so completely congested that
Definitions of gridlock, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of gridlock, analogical
gridlock meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'grid','griddle','
Definition of gridlock in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of gridlock.
A tactical ploy carried out in emergency situations when a team is narrowly losing
gridlock Definition, Definition gridlock, Gridlock - Definition for Gridlock at
Definition of gridlock: When a company cannot perform daily business operations
obstruction of urban traffic caused by queues of vehicles forming across junctions
The term gridlock is defined as "A state of severe road congestion arising when .
A traffic jam in which no vehicular movement is possible, especially one caused
AskDefine is an online English dictionary. It features auto completion of search
gridlock in the ROADS topic by ldoceonline. What you need to know about
total gridlock definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'totality','
gridlock - Clear definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and related words, real
gridlock noun - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for gridlock
GRIDLOCK definition : n. A condition of total, interlocking traffic congestion on the
Gridlock - Definition of Gridlock on Investopedia - A government, business or
Top questions and answers about Definition of Policy Gridlock. Find 281
definition of gridlock - a traffic jam so bad that no movement is possible.
gridlock Definition. . gridlock noun. 1. A severe traffic jam in which no vehicles
Credit gridlock. Full Definition. A term used to describe a situation where a