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Line2D decoration tips needed - Graphics2D . Now, is it possible to make my
Sep 7, 2008 . Graphics2D; import java.awt.Insets . paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2d = (
addWindowListener(new MyFinishWindow()); } public void paint(Graphics g) {
Draw a line with a thicknessTag(s): AWT. import java.awt. . public void paint(
Assuming there are no other scaling transforms added to the Graphics2D object,
Jan 18, 2011 . PDA. Click to See Complete Forum and Search --> : Draw Thick line inside a
In the middle, the same circle's outline is drawn with a thick line using a solid
Graphics2D g = new EpsGraphics2D(); g.setColor(Color.black); // Line thickness
ArrayList ; class DrawableObject { int line_thickness = 10 ; Color object_color =
Graphics2D; import java.awt.geom. . MIN_VALUE; double boundaryThickness=
How can i draw thicker lines in my application? . You need to call setStroke
I have tried drawing the lines by using Graphics2D.fill on a Rectangle2D with a
There is no way to draw two parts of the path with two different line thicknesses in
Apr 12, 2002 . Furthermore, drawing commands that consisted of multiple-line segments . pen
Jun 21, 2005 . Part 1 of Java 2D article which discusses basic shapes, line, and the rendering
For instance, if we draw a. Line2D, we can specify how thick we want the line to
<p> * Example usage: * <p> * <pre> Graphics2D g = new EpsGraphics2D(); * g.
getY()-3*lineThickness, 5*lineThickness, 5*lineThickness); g.setColor(c); g.fill(e);
Lines 2829 invoke Graphics2D method setPaint to set the Paint object that
Hi, (sorry for X-Post, didn't see this NG before previous post) We have an applet
In Java 1.2, the paintComponent method is supplied with a Graphics2D . .
Jan 3, 2007 . When I increase the scale of the Graphics2D transform, the line weight increases,
Every Graphics2D has an associated Stroke object. The default Stroke draws a
Graphics2D; import org.aswing.graphics.Pen; import . moveTo(x1+
I want to plot some lines, and the selected line needs to be two points thick.
A. You can create a Graphics2D object using new Graphics2D(). . 12 To draw a
Graphics2D g = new EpsGraphics2D(); g.setColor(Color.black); // Line thickness
MAGENTA }; // create 10 lines public void paintComponent( Graphics g ) { super.
Any way to change the thickness of a drawn line like this? Like another class? I'
. windowHeight = height; } public void paint(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2d = (
Line Styles : Line « 2D Graphics GUI « Java. . They are thick lines with different
Feb 15, 2005 . Hi, We have an applet that MUST support jvm 1.1 (MS JVM also). I want to plot
In Java 1.2, the paintComponent method is supplied with a Graphics2D object (a
Oct 10, 2005 . Graphics2D, etc.) the lines come out thicker than I need. It seems that the
. and Quad2D elements on a JFrame using Graphics2D. When I increase the
Graphics2D.setStroke(Stroke): sets the stroke attribute to the indicated stroke
Draws a 3D rectangle in the specified location with the given line thickness. static
By changing the stroke and paint attributes in the Graphics2D context before . .
i want to be able to scale my graphics context but retain my stroke width. if i know
Mar 23, 2009 . Java Graphics2D. Choose Font Type and line Thickness: public void
Ellipse2D, QuadCurve2D, CubicCurve2D, GeneralPath. – java.awt.Graphics2D
setLayout(new FlowLayout()); topPanel.add(new JLabel("Line Thickness:")); . int
Graphics2D gg, double zoom, int center, boolean keepLastLabels) . Returns the
Thread: How to set line width in Graphics object? . You can cast the Graphics
To add this stroke to the Graphics2D context before you render the line call . The
Jul 23, 2008 . With the Graphics and the Graphics2D classes we can specify features of the
paintComponent(Graphics g) as the first line when overriding the . . scaling of a
Graphics2D g = new EpsGraphics2D(); g.setColor(Color.black); // Line thickness
The drawLine method draws a line between two points. . your solution to
Dec 14, 2008 . It describes the design, size, appearance, weight, and spacing of a character. .