Dec 4, 11
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  • For example, your h-index is 20 if your 21st paper has been cited 20 or fewer
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  • Feb 6, 2009 . Alternatively, if you find that the stuffy old web of science doesn't give you the
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  • the Author h-index: . Evaluate the scholarly worth of a journal . . Based on
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  • Sep 12, 2008 . A Google Scholar h-index for journals: An alternative metric to measure journal
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  • Citations, 3792, 3511. h-index, 21, 21. i10-index, 27, 27 .
  • Finding your h-index (Hirsch index) in Google Scholar. Library Factsheet no.3.
  • Feb 5, 2011 . If you're interested in different measures of impact (for journals, people, or articles
  • Scopus and Google Scholar. JUDIT BAR-ILAN. Department of Information
  • (2008) Harzing. Psychology. Read by researchers in: 50% Computer and Information
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  • Nov 26, 2009 . This rough, yet useful, Firefox GreaseMonkey script will enable you to
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