Dec 1, 11
Other articles:
  • Note that SSL is required for POP3 and TLS is required for SMTP. . No SSL (
  • Apr 3, 2009 . authentication failure [SMTP: SMTP server does no support authentication (code:
  • Anyways 2 of our schools currently use google- gmail in particular and the .
  • Hello, Do you get an error like the following when trying to send an e-mail with
  • Also, if you want to take advantage of using gmail's SMTP server (so gmail keeps
  • supports to use my domains SMTP server to send an email. However,
  • Mar 30, 2011 . Use the following settings to use GMAIL as SMTP gateway: . Password: Your
  • Apr 9, 2011 . This setup does not verify the Gmail SMTP server certificate. . Postfix will work
  • GMail is one example of a provider requiring SSL. Even if your email provider/ISP
  • May 9, 2011 . SMTP: Port 587. ESMTP should be enabled. SSL: NO
  • Sep 21, 2011 . Use SSL: Yes Port: 993. Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - requires TLS:
  • Jun 10, 2006 . fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to ssl:// (
  • SMTP Host: (I tried without ssl too!) SMTP Port: 465.
  • Jul 5, 2005 . One of the little-known freebies Gmail offers is a portable SMTP server . Update
  • It uses the same smtp server as my domain mail,, but . .. FYI: I
  • Jun 23, 2010 . I have had no success with setting up a gmail account with it. It appears that the
  • You cannot connect to Gmail's outgoing SMTP servers without SSL/TLS, but you
  • Sep 18, 2009. or use Gmail without having to go through the HTTPS or SSL version? . . (
  • This is how you can get gmail SMTP working without hard-coding the host .
  • Here is step-by-step instruction on how to setup and use SMTP with GoDaddy –
  • Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 465,
  • Instead of we need to open ssl:// . have a
  • Jun 30, 2011 . Gmail requires SMTP connections to be secure. . If you try to connect to gmail
  • SSL/Security, No, No, Yes. Incoming Server,, pop.freeserve.
  • Google's mail servers use TLS (SSL) encryption that require authentication
  • Aug 3, 2011 . Unfortunately, my ISP does NOT provide SMTP without SSL. I cannot use Gmail
  • Nov 29, 2009 . sudo tee /etc/xinetd.d/gmail-smtp <<EOF >/dev/null# default: on# description:
  • Nov 4, 2011 . The connection to the server '' failed." If the account . Would you
  • if ($is_gmail) { $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; $mail->Host = ''; . You
  • Without divulging your e-mail address or account name, what are your server . .
  • May 30, 2006 . Use SSL: No Port: 110. Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - requires TLS:
  • Aug 26, 2009 . After adding above SMTP configuration settings for Hotmail in Gmail, the . Of
  • Jun 22, 2006 . Turns out GMail supports only SSL SMTP mailing service, meaning if you cannot
  • Hi guys, where can I find free smtp email with no SSL required? what do you
  • [resolved] E-mail problem with WP Mail SMTP, Gmail SSL, and WAMP (7 posts)
  • I have the same problem where I have no SMTP mail servers to use and already
  • . port: 110 (no SSL) SMTP server: port: 587 (not 25, no SSL) .
  • Hi MarkCA1,. The short answer is no. But there is a workaround. See below. Jay
  • 2003', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, .
  • can't use gmail smtp (ssl ) server. . $CONFIG['smtp_host'] = ''; . .
  • Oct 29, 2011 . 1 Email Configuration; 2 Email Configuration for Gmail; 3 Email Configuration for
  • Aug 12, 2008 . Hey guys what I have just realised is that if u give SMTP server as. Code: gmail-
  • Does the Gmail SMTP Server works with 4.5 or not? if it works what . SSL,
  • SMTP:, Port: 465 (SSL) User name: your Gmail email address.
  • To use SMTP server for sending letters to the gmail account: Click on the . it
  • Gmail SMTP server requres encryption, using SSL. Port 465 . So, it looks like my
  • Mar 5, 2006 . Configure postfix to use SSL authentication: .
  • May 17, 2011 . Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server requires TLS or SSL: (use .
  • Joomla phpmailer for Gmail Patch. . versions, there is no ability to use Gmail's
  • All, IMAP for all accounts, POP3 (and SMTP) for all paid accounts, 120 days (free)

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