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Hugs and kisses ((())) Lots of hugging (initials or a name can be put in the middle
Oct 24, 2008 . I really like the new Gmail emoticons – especially the hug! However, is there a
Emoticons For Gmail Hug.
Jul 30, 2010 . Ive been looking for it for a very long time and Im desperate. Thank you. Please
Oct 23, 2008 . What is chrome? I really want these emoticons~ i just have normal gmail >.<
Mar 28, 2008 . Google Gmail has added a few features to the emoticons which appear .
Dec 30, 2008 . When you're having trouble putting your feelings into words, try an emoticon. (
The complete list of Japanese Text Emoticons, Vertical Emoticons, Emoji and
Emoticons are a way of expressing emotions in text-based communication using
Emoticons overview and Unicode equivalents of MSN, Y!M, and Gmail icons. .
Dec 22, 2006 . ==UserScript== // @name GMail Talk Emoticons // @namespace . . g,"kiss"],' + "\
Jul 30, 2007 . Version 6 [2004-11-17] made more emoticons visible from the menu and
Oct 29, 2008 . New Google Emoticons. Gmail has a bunch of new emoticons (79 to be exact,
Logo. emoticony · Emoticony is a Google Wave robot which replaces text with
Gmail Emoticon Hug. . Undocumented Emoticons in Gmail Chat - Google
Oct 24, 2008 . Gmail gets emoticons :-). Beyond smiles and winks, Google e-mail users can now
Oct 25, 2008 . Emotion Icons to Gmail-input images of hugs and kisses instead of “XOXO” . we
A huge directory of text emoticons, text smileys and ASCII emoticons. . hugs and
Download Hug Emoticon submitted by iconcave in Fingers MSN . Make Gmail
Download pictures of Hug Smiley Emoticons.
A list of emoticon shortcuts supported by Yahoo! Instant . Messenger Shortcuts |
Jul 6, 2006 . Update: For the full list of Gmail chat emoticons, including the new . .. TV the
Oct 26, 2008 . NEW GMAIL SMILIES/Emoticons!!! now there is a whole new set of 12 chat . two
Nov 6, 2008 . Gmail Chat has a new robot emoticon and a whole new category of . yer to do
Messenger 5.6. You can now download all 91 Yahoo Smileys. . Customized
A searchable database of text-based emoticons and smiley faces. . Common
. sad or annoyed. Using emoticons gives them an idea of your mood and
Nov 23, 2011 . Mimi Sun - My favorite emoticon in Gmail is the hugs one: https://mail.google.com
These undocumented Gmail smileys/emoticons only work in the new version of
A variation of the common {} emoticon that represents a big hug; also the
Someone said: it means that you are on chat and available to talk. if it turns
Emoticon, Key Combination, Description. happy, :), happy. sad, :(, sad. winking, ;)
Mar 2, 2011 . Smileys are nice, just not to often. Use other emoticons to mix up the messages.
Download animated Emoticons and Smileys for GMail. . For example, you want
Nov 29, 2008 . i know all the smileys and the crab and the music and the rock symbol but i really
Dec 8, 2007 . how long does it take for gmail to add more chat emoticons and themes? gmail
Feb 26, 2008 . While Gmail Chat supports many emoticons, the full lists of emoticons that can be
Special Emoticons on Gmail. . How to Make Gmail Emoticons · Crab Emoticon
Feb 8, 2012 . The symbol for a hug in texting on gmail is "X." However you may also click on
Feb 19, 2008 . Gmail's convenience is also fun… the emoticons available on gmail chat are . .
Feb 27, 2009 . What is the code for the blushing smiley on Gmail chat? . but I was wondering
How to Make Emoticons for Gmail Chat. Gmail Chat is an . How to Make Gmail
There are many websites online which provide several emoticons for blackberry.
Make faces hugging. How to do the hug on gmail? How to do the gchat hugging
Dec 8, 2007 . Update: For a complete list of Gmail chat emoticons, including the . .. to know
Oekaki only hug and decide to a sad smiley wishing Categories free indicators
Anime animated gifs japanese emoticons chibi msn animations eCards oekaki.
Title: Comments on Google Operating System- Gmail Emoticons --) . it doesnt
May 5, 2009 . If you want them for your Gmail account, simply go to Settings . Once I was trying
Sep 2, 2008 . Last time, I gave you list for Google Talk Secret Emoticons but that was some 8