Other articles:
Feb 17, 2012 . For information on microphone techniques for individual drums . 4.1 Glyn Johns
For example: The Glyn Johns mic setup. This technique . Drums were recorded
Nov 19, 2011 . Glyn Johns technique Recording Drums (Live Drummer) . One mic directly over
Glyn Johns Drum Mic Technique 2. image. I'd like to look at the raw audio we
Feb 7, 2011 . Re: Recording Drums: Recorderman or Glynn Johns technique?? I did a Glyn
Glyn Johns is a master recording engineer. . to work correctly is getting a
Aug 18, 2011 . 3 drum mics and a vocal mic? Prediciment? Me thinks not…. Enter The Glyn
Next you will find a few bars of drums with close mics on Kick and Snare, and the
I'm looking at buying a new pair of mics, spefically to use in the 2 mic 'glyn johns'
Glyn Johns drum mic setup (http://danalexanderaudio.com/glynjohns.htm): one of
Apr 5, 2011 . [Archive] Drum cover using the Glyn Johns recording technique Your . Two
This technique involves four microphones - two overhead microphones,a kick mic
Apr 25, 2011 . One for the nerds, or recording enthusiasts as we prefer to refer to them. This is a
www.blaxploitation.com/drums/glynJohnsMethod.pdf. The best sounding drums I
May 25, 2009 . Record Producer Steve Lyon gives a taste of what it is like to work with Glyn
After that record your drums and compare them to some Glyn Johns drums . 1. i
great Johns-style drum sound in the same way that John Bonham used to record.
Mar 26, 2011 . Status: offline, I'm interested in buying the Custom & Vintage SDX. I wonder, have
Nov 5, 2007 . Glyn Johns drum recording methods . The Glyn version makes up for the tilted
Aug 4, 2009 . I also love the Glyn Johns drum mic set up with the 2 overhead mics and I usually
Aug 30, 2011 . The Glyn Johns technique is to use four microphones. You'll need: Two overhead
Apr 3, 2010 . What about Glyn Johns?! The most obvious missing drum mic technique here is
I was pretty sure I was going to try the Glyn Johns method, but I'm . One mic
Jan 10, 2011 . But today I want to highlight a famous technique for recording big drum sounds
May 19, 2010 . Glyn Johns Method. I've been monkeying around with different mic placements
. pioneered by the real 'heroes/legends' of our industry, guys like Glynn and
Using a variation of the Glyn Johns method of drum recording, The Sound Palace
Feb 6, 2011 . Listen to Glyn Johns drum microphone test #1 by Joe Chapman: This is my first
Glyn Johns drum mic setup: one of the truely great engineers, Glyn Johns' credits
May 12, 2007 . Recorderman's approach to placing overhead drum microphones is
Oct 3, 2011 . Posted tagged 'Glyn Johns' . Drums, More Detailed Mic Techniques Last week
The Glyn Johns technique can be wonderful and has a lot more to do with where
This photograph of a drum kit shows the overhead microphones in a "spaced . is
Sep 17, 2011 . The Best Reason To Play Drums . . The guideline to Glyn Johns has you place
Share. Comments. 00:24 + recording drums: the glyn johns method . 06:11 +
Mar 21, 2010 . Mau P Ruiz's photostream (148) · Baseball de rua. Páscoa chegando. Glyn
Dec 2, 2010 . Glyn Johns drum mic setup. Glyn Jones has worked with the biggest rock bands
I ended up on the tapeop forums this past week and ran across a micing
Overhead 1 (+ snare mic): Overhead 2: Kick drum: Here's the raw, unedited clip
I'm excited to be trying out the Glyn Johns drum mic'ing technique for the first time
Apr 16, 2011 . Glyn Johns Drum Mic Technique 2 I'd like to look at the raw audio we captured
Other than that Glynn Johns (prob my favorite drum mic technique when I can use
Recording drums can be a lot easier than it looks! Using only four microphones,
My kid did some good tracks using glyn johns placement. 4 mics. the style is like
Andy Johns Talks Drums Video Part 1 on WN Network delivers the latest . Jesse