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Gist is a simple way to share snippets and pastes with others. All gists are git
Feb 7, 2012 . This code will detect links to Github Gist in posts and replace them . Help
Jul 24, 2008 . As TechCrunch notes, GitHub's hope with Gist is that people will find it .
Makes embedding Github.com gists super awesomely easy. . Drop in the
21 hours ago . Description: Command line client to help you make decisions (Can you tell I have
Using the Github Gist API from Haskell . req = postRequest "http://gist.github.
Oct 27, 2011 . Help get this topic noticed by sharing it on Twitter, Facebook, or email. . inline
So to help anyone fighting with the same problem, here is the Gist that gives
Aug 9, 2010 . Subject: Re: [sympy] github's gist for sympy - msg#00030 . like, post an equation
Apr 16, 2010 . Groups help. The old . How do I take a private gist and make it public? -- . To
8 hours ago . module Gist. extend self. @@gist_url = 'https://gist.github.com/%s.txt'. @@files = []
Jan 19, 2011 . I have some text that includes URLs to GitHub Gists. I'd like to look for those
Nov 17, 2011 . What does the star button do on Github's gist section? . The Github help didn't
limit my search to /domain/gist.github.com . new and popular online. vote on
Jan 19, 2011 . For https://gist.github.com/733951 , this means I do a JSON-P . Gist. Wrapping it
Open Discussion General Discussion, 0, 0. Development Embed GitHub Gist
Response. Status: 200 OK X-RateLimit-Limit: 5000 X-RateLimit-Remaining: 4999
[GIST] Help with #JavaScript & partial application/currying. . #webdev gist.github
utility. description. This is vimscript for gist (http://gist.github.com) Usage: :Gist
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, so maybe somebody who knows can
gist.github.com reviewed css3please.com, playtomic.com, dbpedia.org. . with
Nov 29, 2009 . req = postRequest "http://gist.github.com/gists/new" testPost . If you're not
GitHub also operates a pastebin-style site called Gist, wikis for individual
I have some text that includes URLs to GitHub Gists. I'd like to .
Jul 7, 2011 . Desktop Color Picker To Help Match Color Shades With Your Designs » . to 2
Feb 10, 2010 . The input form at gist.github.com. Name your file, this will help you keep record of
Gist: Code snippets; GitHub for Mac; Issues for iPhone; Job Board; Extras; GitHub
Jan 11, 2010 . Head over to the GitHub website and click “Pricing and Signup” at the top. . .
Userscripts can be installed by simply visiting the “raw” version of the gist or
I am using https://github.com/mattn/gist-vim and installing it as a . to choose
Jan 10, 2012 . Log in or Sign up. SAY Media employees are here to help. corner . GitHub gist
Home · Projects · Help · Search: WordPress » Embed GitHub Gist Plugin . 02/21/
[Plugin: Embed GitHub Gist] [Feature Request] Compose Gist, Hide Branding (2
Jan 27, 2012 . Installing Embed Github Gist plugin on a hosted Wordpress is as easy as
It would be great if you could just embed a GitHub gist, perhaps like this: [gist
6 hours ago. "gist-method"=>#<struct Pry::CommandSet::Command name="gist-method",
Is there an internal alternative to gist.github.com to run behind a .
1 day ago . A useful function to help a programmer check the time, in a gregorian date format.
This page shows search word github gist help in Organic Results. You can sort
Github commiting (push) gist - git, github, gist - TechQues.com. . perhaps some
Nov 11, 2009 . Github provides a service called Gist, where you can share snippets of code or .
Gist: Code snippets; GitHub for Mac; Issues for iPhone; Job Board; Extras; GitHub
Rubular now supports Ruby 1.9. Upgrade includes support for multiple Rubies
Help | Sign in . Gist.Github Preview Gadget. 0 star(s). by Newmind Group, Inc. .
For https://gist.github.com/733951 , this means I do a JSON-P lookup to . from
http://support.github.com/discussions/gist/304-logtalk-support. Adding your
gist can be used to create gists on gist.github.com from the command line. . Or
How can I embed an entire GitHub Gist dynamically on a page? - javascript . the
WP Github Gist is a WordPress Plugin which provides the ability to embed gist .
pry(main)> help . gist Gist a method or expression history to github. Type `gist --