Jan 22, 12
Other articles:
  • Properties of Ellipses; Find Equation of Ellipse; Eccentricity and Directrix of an
  • the moving line that sweeps out the cylinder is called a generator. The directrix is
  • If the plane is parallel to a generator line of the cone, the conic is called a
  • Thus if this directrix is a line X it is the only one, since if there were any other it
  • Given a line L and a curve C in a plane P, the cylinder with generator L and
  • Also called generator. . Generator, Starter, Alternator, Regulator, Rectifier Test
  • All rectilinear generators intersecting this edge are also fixed on the surface.
  • The axis is perpendicular to a fixed line called the directrix and the curve passes
  • . to a point on the base circle of the cone is known as the generator of the cone.
  • single generator must accordingly contain either a double directrix and a single
  • Jun 17, 2010 . Computing Hironaka's invariants: Ridge and Directrix . the additive generators
  • Abstract: "Ruled surfaces are a very useful class of surfaces for solid modeling.
  • Having no Rectilinear Directrix. 175. The equations of a generator are y -MStx= z,
  • described with the help of a directrix and rectilinear generators. Generators are
  • n. Mathematics. The surface generated by a straight line, the generator, passing
  • Jun 17, 2010 . that computes the additive generators of the ”ridge”, and the generators of its .
  • May 6, 2002 . A point on the ellipse is determined as the intersection of the generator o'd' . It is
  • I stated drawing 'Curve Generators' when I wanted to make animations of gears.
  • Surfaces with a directrix line which is also a generator 226. Take a curve 0 on Q
  • Finding generators and directrix curves on algebraic ruled surfaces*. John K.
  • asymptotic lines and the expression for the mean curvature. Let M, (£, 7], £), be
  • Dec 11, 2010 . Basic Locus Method (Directrix – focus) HYPERBOLA 1. . Plane Through all the
  • (3<72) = A double torsal and a consecutive double generator. See Par. 67. di = i-
  • a line which is a double directrix of the surface. Again, the scroll may be of such a
  • Also, the directrix of order n — 1 can be a twisted curve; because, for example, .
  • Then the paraboloid can be obtained by parallel translation of the movable
  • Sites generator ▵ . draw a parabolic front, and when I plugged "bézier from
  • Right conic intersected with a plane parallel to the generator forming a parabola.
  • Waht is generatrix and directrix? . They are the female forms of generator and
  • Special forms of these types may exist : thus, in (I) 5 may be (1) a fourfold directrix
  • The fixed curve is called the directrix of the surface and the moving line is called
  • As you can see from the diagrams, when the focus is above the directrix (left
  • Apr 5, 2010 . If the focus lies on the directrix, then the "parabola" is in fact a line. . this
  • Quartic Scroll, Second Species, S' (12, 12, 4), with tiuo double directrix lines and
  • Focusw and Directrix of a Parabola (algebralab) · Focus and Directrix . The first
  • The surface generated by a moving straight line (generator) which always passes
  • See the back extensions of DIRECTRIX in TWL06 with the Scrabble Word
  • The vertex is always halfway between the focus and the directrix, and the
  • directrix axis. L. L focal sphere eccentricity = 1 as the section plane L-L is parallel
  • . and let α be the acute angle that the generator of the cone makes with the axis
  • We will call the vertical line the axis, and the second line the generator. . . a fixed
  • Cone. (mathematics). (1) A cone, or conical surface, is the locus of lines (
  • Base Lateral Surface Generator Generatrix (feminine form of generator) Directrix
  • same generator of S will all coincide if, and only if, the curved asymptotic lines of
  • the parabola, where the cone is cut parallel to a generator; . Suppose that we
  • It uses the focus-directrix definition of hyperbola to do so (See notes below.) .
  • If the slope of the plane is less than the slope of a generator of the cone (the .
  • Lofting is sometimes considered as a special case of a more general surface
  • axis " of a circular cylinder is the line joining the centres of two circular sections; it
  • If the plane is parallel to a generator line of the cone, the conic is called a

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