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Properties of Ellipses; Find Equation of Ellipse; Eccentricity and Directrix of an
the moving line that sweeps out the cylinder is called a generator. The directrix is
If the plane is parallel to a generator line of the cone, the conic is called a
Thus if this directrix is a line X it is the only one, since if there were any other it
Given a line L and a curve C in a plane P, the cylinder with generator L and
Also called generator. . Generator, Starter, Alternator, Regulator, Rectifier Test
All rectilinear generators intersecting this edge are also fixed on the surface.
The axis is perpendicular to a fixed line called the directrix and the curve passes
. to a point on the base circle of the cone is known as the generator of the cone.
single generator must accordingly contain either a double directrix and a single
Jun 17, 2010 . Computing Hironaka's invariants: Ridge and Directrix . the additive generators
Abstract: "Ruled surfaces are a very useful class of surfaces for solid modeling.
Having no Rectilinear Directrix. 175. The equations of a generator are y -MStx= z,
described with the help of a directrix and rectilinear generators. Generators are
n. Mathematics. The surface generated by a straight line, the generator, passing
Jun 17, 2010 . that computes the additive generators of the ”ridge”, and the generators of its .
May 6, 2002 . A point on the ellipse is determined as the intersection of the generator o'd' . It is
I stated drawing 'Curve Generators' when I wanted to make animations of gears.
Surfaces with a directrix line which is also a generator 226. Take a curve 0 on Q
Finding generators and directrix curves on algebraic ruled surfaces*. John K.
asymptotic lines and the expression for the mean curvature. Let M, (£, 7], £), be
Dec 11, 2010 . Basic Locus Method (Directrix – focus) HYPERBOLA 1. . Plane Through all the
(3<72) = A double torsal and a consecutive double generator. See Par. 67. di = i-
a line which is a double directrix of the surface. Again, the scroll may be of such a
Also, the directrix of order n — 1 can be a twisted curve; because, for example, .
Then the paraboloid can be obtained by parallel translation of the movable
Sites generator ▵ . draw a parabolic front, and when I plugged "bézier from
Right conic intersected with a plane parallel to the generator forming a parabola.
Waht is generatrix and directrix? . They are the female forms of generator and
Special forms of these types may exist : thus, in (I) 5 may be (1) a fourfold directrix
The fixed curve is called the directrix of the surface and the moving line is called
As you can see from the diagrams, when the focus is above the directrix (left
Apr 5, 2010 . If the focus lies on the directrix, then the "parabola" is in fact a line. . this
Quartic Scroll, Second Species, S' (12, 12, 4), with tiuo double directrix lines and
Focusw and Directrix of a Parabola (algebralab) · Focus and Directrix . The first
The surface generated by a moving straight line (generator) which always passes
See the back extensions of DIRECTRIX in TWL06 with the Scrabble Word
The vertex is always halfway between the focus and the directrix, and the
directrix axis. L. L focal sphere eccentricity = 1 as the section plane L-L is parallel
. and let α be the acute angle that the generator of the cone makes with the axis
We will call the vertical line the axis, and the second line the generator. . . a fixed
Cone. (mathematics). (1) A cone, or conical surface, is the locus of lines (
Base Lateral Surface Generator Generatrix (feminine form of generator) Directrix
same generator of S will all coincide if, and only if, the curved asymptotic lines of
the parabola, where the cone is cut parallel to a generator; . Suppose that we
It uses the focus-directrix definition of hyperbola to do so (See notes below.) .
If the slope of the plane is less than the slope of a generator of the cone (the .
Lofting is sometimes considered as a special case of a more general surface
axis " of a circular cylinder is the line joining the centres of two circular sections; it
If the plane is parallel to a generator line of the cone, the conic is called a