Other articles:
Byran K on Gearslutz reported all was working perfectly for him on 8.5. . . Slate is
Anyway, I thought that VCC was to have 6 modeled consoles. What happened to
Sep 1, 2011 . KVR :: Effects » legit slate VCC review?? [View Original Topic] . yep, look
Some tracks I even use two VCC channels, first the Brit N followed by LA2A . .
I downloaded the new VCC v1.0.0 yesterday and though I love the . I read
Mar 15, 2011 . Slate's Virtual Console Collection is one of those plug-ins breaking new . can
May 3, 2011 . Mix Summing w/ S.Slate VCC Pro Tools|HD Tips & Techniques. . http://www.
I started this thread so that the people using the VCC or interested in it, could
Oct 12, 2011 . Read more at Gearslutz. www.gearslutz.com/board/new-product-alert/657238-
reaper lounge digitals vcc virtual console collection Partnership with slate when
Looking forward to trying this: Lire la suite sur Gearslutz. www.gearslutz.com/
GEARSLUTZ SLATE VCC - Page 7. Gearslutz.
I heard that it was figured out that Slate actually used Nebula's AlexB programs to
Mar 4, 2011 . Ive been waiting for VCC for a while now. Il be stoked when they finally release it,
This mix was not intended to show off VCC but rather another new plugin .
GEARSLUTZ SLATE VCC - Page 5. Gearslutz. Favorites: « Back. Close. Add new
Wtf it ever come on the sound Hd tdm systems on page usage does not the slate
May 15, 2002 . gearslutz.com information at Website Informer. recording, studio, . studio,
. every time I check back for reports either on the Slate Forum, gearslutz (which I
Sep 29, 2010 . Re: Steven Slate VCC Plugin. quote: . I can't believe those idiots over at
Here's the thread: http://www.gearslutz.com/board/product-alerts-older-than-2-
Slate Digital Virtual Console Collection 11/24/2011 . with VCC in previous
Fri mar ,slate digital vcc plugin the gearslutz thread both fg-x multi-page Few
Mar 11, 2011 . Keep tabs on the Gearslutz thread… http://www.gearslutz.com/board/new-
Nov 5, 2011 . Post 7201096 - recording, studio, microphone, mic pre, compressor, equalizer,
http://www.gearslutz.com/board/new-p. . Really excited about this personally,
Re: Steven Slate VCC Plugin. Quote: . I can't believe those idiots over at
This is the first of many posts showing off the upcoming Slate Digital "Virtual
Nov 23, 2011 . News About slate digital vcc available now gearslutz com, archive on goombel
Mar 10, 2011 . Making of the Slate VCC Virtual Console Collection. SlateDigitalTV . 43 likes, 3
Dec 26, 2011 . Slate Digital VCC RC TUBE Console Emulation Gearslutz com. The Sound Of a
Satson vs VCC , I was just waiting to see who'd start this thread I'm surprised it
Oct 14, 2011 . Post 7124886 - recording, studio, microphone, mic pre, compressor, equalizer,
Slate Digital Vcc Gearslutz. Search. Main navigation. Home · Google · Youtube
Steven Slate VCC Plugin The Grid. . I can't believe those idiots over at gearslutz
Anybody tried this, supposed to be an alternative to Slate VCC, just with no iLok
Nov 4, 2011 . Download 196265d1286239610 slate vcc use discussion vcc beta 2 quick user
Dec 26, 2011 . Slate Digital VCC Available Now Gearslutz com. the wait is over! "Virtual Console
Software Slate Digital VCC RC-TUBE Console Emulation. Wednesday October
New Slate VCC Update! Pro Tools 9 on Mac OS X. . the good news! Here's the
Aug 24, 2011 . MusicRadar Reviews: Virtual Console Collection (VCC) has been a long time in
Dec 26, 2011 . Slate Digital VCC RC TUBE Console Emulation Gearslutz com. The Sound Of a
Dec 23, 2010 . I am getting that impression by reading Slate VCC thread on Gearslutz. Correct
Author, Topic: Slate VCC-Will It EVER come out . http://www.gearslutz.com/
HEAT Vs Slate VCC Pro Tools|HD TDM Systems on Mac OS. . Over on
without http://www.gearslutz.com/board/attachments/music-computers/
BFD 2 in PT 9 with Slate VCC plug-ins. Hey all, Posted this up a while back on
7 results . Slate Digital VCC Available Now Gearslutz com. the wait is over! "Virtual Console
Aug 22, 2011 . Post 6959200 - recording, studio, microphone, mic pre, compressor, equalizer,