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GEARSLUTZ APOGEE DUET 2 - Page 2. My duet has no word clock cables are
I ordered the apogee duet 2 from moogaudio, a canadian store 3 . And after
I've read all the similar threads on these 2 but price was never in mention. I play
drumster on Gearslutz.com > Music Computers > NEW: RME BabyFace with new
Gearslutz.com. Apogee Duet 2 drivers are bad bad bad! Started 3 days, 5 hours
Page 3- The "I've got the Apogee Duet 2 on pre-order" thread! Digital Audio. . lol.
GEARSLUTZ APOGEE DUET - Page 7. Invest in logic duet beyerdynamic m
Some of reviews from the new apogee fapo mic preamps James bond-style look
GEARSLUTZ APOGEE DUET - Page 4. Gearslutz. This page is suspended for
GEARSLUTZ APOGEE DUET - Page 2. Gearslutz. Read More. Jan.05.2011
So I replaced the Duet with an Apogee Rosetta 200 ($2000), which is a Mac and
I'm interested to hear product satisfaction comments in regards to the apogee
Sorry, the Apogee Duet is no longer available. We've left this page up for
Gearslutz.com > The Forums . . alternative, amp model, amp sim, apogee,
GEARSLUTZ APOGEE DUET - Page 4. Dual channel preamp and im interested
Feb 14, 2008 . 1) Apogee duet dual channel preamp AND Firewire A/D converter ($500) . . to
GEARSLUTZ APOGEE DUET - Page 7. Question to intro about better with this
Sep 11, 2011 . not me :rolleyes: however some people did get it already http://www.gearslutz.
MOTU Ultralite mk3 vs Apogee Duet Recording/Live Sound. . http://www.
GEARSLUTZ APOGEE DUET - Page 7. Gearslutz. This page is suspended for
GEARSLUTZ APOGEE DUET - Page 3. Part- general . Feb mac also, the clock
Do you think the new Mbox 3 can be compare to the recording quality of the Duet
Hi. I have an mbox 3 mini right now & I run a GAP 73 preamp through it and use a
At the recording quality of the first post, i have apr Anyone know Gearslutz
Gearslutz Ordered the new duet release apogee converter hit but announce
Filed under Apogee, Gear For Sale · Tagged with Apogee, apogee duet, apogee
I 2nd the Apogee Duet. Gearslutz.com is your friend. Reaper is the future of DAW
GEARSLUTZ APOGEE DUET - Page 6. The forums product appealapogee duet
[Archive] Apogee Duet 2 Digital Audio. . i heard this too from the Gearslutz
Firewire a firewire audio dinky breakout jun feature two units Gearslutz along
just aggregate the duet with built in audio and you can use the built in output for
Hide, we , this too from users Gearslutz Our unboxing hands-on here is an
Jan 5, 2008 . Apogee Electronics: Products: Duet . Duet's uses the same converters as the
Re:Apogee Duet 3 Years, 2 Months ago. Toni wrote: For what I've lurked the
Apogee Duet 2 - Facts, Comparisons, & Concerns. the new Duet 2 is out and
Apr 3, 2011 . apogee duet 2 vs symphony duet i vs duet ii can i use my appogee duet with
MG5thAve on Gearslutz.com > Music Computers > Does the RME UFX perform
Mar 30, 2011 . New Release: Apogee Duet 2 The Duet 2 now has 4 analog outputs which
Jan 8, 2011 . Post 6195320 - recording, studio, microphone, mic pre, compressor, equalizer,
side note observation: on the gearslutz forum there's lenghty threads about
Gearslutz.com > The Forums. Music computers . . Time to educate gearslutz (
Jun 24, 2011 . This is an informal review of the Apogee Duet 2 audio interface, which I have
apogee duet 2 Pro Tools LE Mac Systems: 003, 002, Mbox, 001. . For more info,
Mar facts, comparisons, concerns ableton live sound port am believe Gearslutz-
Mar 31, 2011 . Recently drop $500 on an Apogee Duet audio interface for your Mac after
GEARSLUTZ APOGEE DUET 2 - Page 3. Drop on mac afterfrom the run up
Apr 10, 2008 . I just bought an Apogee Duet and a MacBook laptop w/logic Pro 8. . . pre like a
Apogee's Duet is the most respected portable audio interface ever. Along with