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As soon as I learned that it would be possible to use Gamecube controllers to
Gamecube Controller - Hills District Console Mods Sydney - Xbox 360, Nintendo
May 5, 2011 . Re: 'Holdable' Gamecube controller. Postby HaxAras » Mon May 30, 2011 11:00
UPDATE: I have found the problem that causes the B-button to stick, and also
Hi,I made this quick mod of Wad Manager 1.4 to work with the Gamecube
Does anyone know where to purchase a custom case for a Gamecube controller
I have an original 2006 Wii that has had no mods or anything added to it as well
Who wants new fangled motion sensing technology when you can have a NES,
Adding LEDs to a Gamecube controller circuit is a fairly straightforward mod for
Modding Gamecube controller. Help Electrical Engineering discussion.www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=164136 - SimilarHow to Mod a Gamecube Controller | eHow.comHow to Mod a Gamecube Controller. The controller on your Gamecube game
two gamecube controllers . give me arround 1:45 battery time, if you use the led
Aug 15, 2010 . Hasse makes his brother's gameplay experiences easier by modifying a
Oct 14, 2009 . okay i recently saw a way to use your n64 controller on a wii by changing its plug
Now, the rules state only that you can remove springs from GameCube
Jul 29, 2011 . His implementation uses a GameCube controller to connect to the . check out
I've got a gamecube controller lying around from my busted gamecube and am
Is it possible to get a GameCube controller to be able to plug into a wii-mote?
Nov 28, 2008 . This may not be the most groundbreaking mod around, but it's one that would
Aug 12, 2010 . Modder Hasse's brother can only use his right hand, but he loves to play
Alert icon. Sign in or sign up now! Alert icon. Loading. Uploaded by
Master Mod V2 Controller. Adjustable Rapid Fire; Auto Scope; Auto Run and
Short vid showing how I cannibalised a Gamecube controller to fix 2 broken Wii
My gamecube controller port mod - Retro console modding - Acidmods.com.www.acidmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=28199.0 - Cached - SimilarDreamcast/gamecube controller mod? - Classic Gaming General . Sep 27, 2010 . Dreamcast/gamecube controller mod? - posted in Classic Gaming General: Okay
Sep 19, 2011 . Fusion Micro mod weds PSP and GameCube hardware, but battery won't .
Replace N64 joystick with Gamecube joystick. First you'll have to know that the
Does anybody remember the link for GameCube controller mods? Specifically I
L/R spring button mods for Gamecube controllers. Ok so there was a topic on this
Alright so simple idea; use the pcb from one of these Rocketfish controllers and
Oct 29, 2003 . I remember reading about something like this a while ago. Is there a way to do
Nov 29, 2008 . You've got an old GameCube from yesteryear laying around, and the slow .
Gamecube Controller Mini-Mod. I know a lot of people don't like the C-Stick on
Try searching the web for Gamecube Mods. Answers to Common Questions.
Gamecube controller mod. When I used to play my gamecube with some friends I
A question was posed on me in my post showing my GC Controller mod: The
Well this isn't technically a Case Mod, but I figured that I would post it and show
GamingModz.com specializes in modified xbox 360 controllers and Console Mod
Does anyone have any knowledge of Gamecube controller mods? Better yet
could a gamecube controller stick work in place of the ps2 controller stick for the
Sep 6, 2010 . A video showing a mod to the Gamecube controller allowing you to use it with
RapidModz.com specializes in Xbox 360 Controller Mods and custom modded
The gamecube controller is the best/easiest way if you have played a . GC
GameCube Game Hardware. Senin, 05 Maret 2012. Game Controller Mods -