Mar 29, 12
Other articles:
  • Jul 6, 2008 . Half Gallon Challenge - Pine Grove PA AT Trail Traditions / Quirks. . Here's a
  • What are the rules for the milk gallon challenge? . You are here: Home
  • Oct 8, 2007 . Trying to drink a gallon of milk in less than 15 minutes . Little did I know, when I
  • Dec 6, 2010 . Are you wondering what the gallon challenge is? . No matter what you use as
  • Mar 9, 2012 . GALLON OF MILK CHALLENGE RULES. Gain weight by drinking a gallon forapr
  • Aug 21, 2010 . What are the rules to the gallon challenge when it comes to chugging milk?
  • Aug 12, 2006 . Gallon of Whole Milk, Logo . A: The official rules are being
  • But my dad is putting an end to it because he says doing the gallon challenge
  • Apr 6, 2008 . But my dad is putting an end to it because he says doing the gallon challenge
  • Aug 22, 2011 . The ROOPOD competed in the 2011 One Gallon Challenge, a 100 mile . The
  • Feb 27, 2012 . Has anyone here attempted to drink one gallon of milk in one hour? According to
  • Jul 26, 2011 . Can you pee during the milk gallon challenge? ChaCha Answer: The rules just
  • Apr 18, 2004 . i need to know what the rules r how quick do u have to drink the milk . nah, do a
  • About the 20-Gallon Challenge . . A state law that went into effect on January 1,
  • The 6th Annual Gallon Challenge is over. Congratulations to Joseph Ubriaco, our
  • Jul 15, 2011 . Another challenge is here! This time we were attempt the gallon milk challenge!
  • May 29, 2008 . All federal, state, and/or local rules and regulations apply. Void where prohibited
  • Mar 30, 2005 . I've heard of this, I've also never heard of anyone who could drink the whole
  • Aug 21, 2011 . Win the Sweet Ride of Your Life – Sweet Tea Gallon Guess Challenge. OFFICIAL
  • But my dad is putting an end to it because he says doing the gallon challenge
  • Mar 1, 2010 . Namely, those rules deem that the gallon challenge is: a) immoral. b) illegal, and.
  • Aug 25, 2008 . Rule # 1: Drink a gallon of milk in a half an hour. Rule # 2: Keep it down for
  • 2012 Rules and Events: SeaPerch, 2012 National SeaPerch Challenge, .
  • He did let it melt some before starting, which is perfectly legal by “half-gallon
  • Read More ». Source:
  • Paul Sets two records here at the Gallon Challenge Website. . The challenge
  • you have one hour to drink a gallon of milk- the type of milk you drink is your
  • The Official Rules: 1. The contestant has one (1) hour to drink and hold down one
  • There are three universal rules in what has been called the Gallon Challenge,
  • Nov 30, 2011 . Chug… chug… chug… GO! Gallon Challenge Rules. Although this challenge is
  • May 27, 2011 . Take the 40 Gallon Challenge to learn how you can conserve water. . Many
  • 2 days ago . Commentary on how current political issues impact individual liberty.
  • Jul 20, 2007 . There are many variations to the challenge, so formal rules have not been set.
  • Milk Gallon Challenge - J.D. IS NEXT!!!! - General Information: Here are the rules.
  • What are the rules to the gallon challenge? ChaCha Answer: The challenger has
  • If you are being challenged to do this, you can probably do it if 1) you supply your
  • Sep 20, 2011 . Sacramento's Million Gallon Challenge: Better Biofuels for the Region . fit with
  • Aug 19, 2008 . As many of you know, this involves drinking a gallon of milk within 1 hour .
  • It consists of trying to drink a gallon of milk within an hour. Good Luck .
  • Apr 2, 2009 . Before successfully completing the gallon challenge, I had two failed . . But as I'
  • Alright the rules of this challenge are that you must swallow a whole tablespoon
  • Dec 5, 2005 . It was time for the 4 litre (1 gallon) milk jug challenge. . And finally the most
  • As many of you know, this involves drinking a gallon of milk within 1 hour and .

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