Other articles:
100Sn: past, present and future. 1994 GSI fragm. 124. Xe. 7. T. 1/2. E(β). E(γ).
Oct 19, 2011 . Fusion of the most neutron-rich nucleus 8He: Recent results from GANIL. A.
Heavy-ion Fusion near and below the Coulomb Barrier: New Results. 10:00-10:
1- GANIL Large scale facility. Equipments. SPECTROMETERS AND.
A PDF file of the camera ready final version of the manuscript should be sent via
We have planned to measure at GANIL Caen, France , using the LISE spec-
Fusion11 Conference Summary. Carlos A. . SPIRAL 2 facility at GANIL, France,
Jun 30, 2010 . GANIL will be hosting the 5 th international Conference FUSION11 in . The
Mar 17, 2011 . Presentation GAP GANIL .ppt. Add to your account. Size: 363 KB. Pages: n/a.
M. Jacquemet, GANIL Colloquium, Giens, june 2006 . F0 = 88 MHz T=11 ns . .
The GANIL cyclotrons at Caen provide ion beams from . which provide a
Mar 18, 2011 . A few examples of physics studies and results @ GANIL. - Technical . Heavy –
May 6, 2011 . Fusion-fission mechanism for synthesis of superheavy elements . GANIL will be
100Sn history year where production events quantity. 1994 GSI fragm. 124. Xe. 7.
targets was previously investigated at GANIL (Caen, France) [11,12], where a first
Fusion of the most neutron-rich nucleus 8He: Recent results from GANIL .
Scholars Portal - GANIL Acquisition System G.A.S.. . Data Acquisition with a
(BU) + transfer cross section may be related to this. The fusion data obtained with
11/8/11. Added a link to the poster presented at the GRS/GRS on the fusion of
NWall experiments run at GANIL . Efficiency in fusion-evaporation reactions .
Marc-Hervé Stodel (GANIL, France) . .. 11. Is the time schedule realistic? . . S3
Publication » Future opportunities with SPIRAL2 at GANIL. . Fusion-evaporation
Fusion of the most neutron-rich nucleus 8He: Recent results from GANIL. A.
Heavy Elements (SHE) started at GANIL in order to take advan- tages of the .
Mar 22, 2011 . ecrans_SP2Wk11_photos.pdf — PDF document, 28030Kb . . xp mode this nt
1 GANIL, B.P. 5027, F-14076 Caen Cedex 5, France. -ITI. 2 LPC-ISMRa, BId . .
production events quantity. 1994 GSI fragm. 124Xe. 7. T1/2. E(β). E(γ). S139.
Records 1 - 20 . Sample records for GANIL from WorldWideScience.org. Sample . . 11. Gas
27/09/11. OBJECT : 1st FCG Meeting – 2011/09/27. N/REF : ENSAR-FCG/
UK labs + IPN Orsay, GANIL, LPC Caen from IN2P3 . EXOGAM: 11 Clovers with
Heure de début: 11:00 am . Speaker(s) : Gilles De France (Ganil) . Gamma-ray
Test bench. ∎ Conclusion. Spiral2 week, GANIL Caen, 26-29/11/2007 . Fusion
Mr Hubert FLOCARD, CSNSM, Université de Paris 11 Paris-sud, France . .. In
In-Flight Methods. Fanny Rejmund. GANIL. 1. Radioactive: not present on earth.
Feb 7, 2012 . the total fusion cross-section for the system 20O + 12C. II. EXPERIMENTAL
Oct 21, 2011 . GANIL-SPIRAL is the largest accelerator complex in France and one of the two .
That means that links from fusion11.ganil.fr have a small influence on the search
Fusion-evaporation residues, using heavy ions beams in different targets can
11:00 – Safety and radioprotection issues – Erwan Pichot (GANIL). 11:30 -
Fusion reactions involving radioactive beams at GANIL. Gilles de . . tectors are
Fusion of the most neutron-rich nucleusHe : Recent results from GANIL. 5th
Concerning the synthesis of SHE, GANIL tools enabled to privilege the use of
http://pro.ganil-spiral2.eu/spiral2/instrumentation/s3. INP . ANL (US), CENBG,
May 12, 2011 . Fusion of the most neutron-rich nucleus 8He : Recent results from GANIL. 5th
Fusion-evaporation residues, using heavy ions beams in different targets can
abstract: The topics covered will include various aspects connected with heavy-
. on an experiment by Francisco-Miguel Marqués and co-workers at the Ganil .
heavy ions. SPIRAL. GANIL. (FRANCE). 2001. Astrophysics,. Condensed matter,.
2–6 May. 5th International Conference FUSION 11. Saint Malo, France. URL: http