Nov 19, 11
Other articles:
  • Oct 21, 2011 . Fundamentalism is a tendency exhibited by significant minorities . on how
  • Perhaps the most basic difference between fundamentalists and progressives is
  • Aug 30, 2010 . A majority of Republicans believe that President Barack Obama "sympathizes
  • Religious Fundamentalism begins when a person and/or group of people believe
  • However, certain Mormon fundamentalists believed that no one could rightfully
  • However, Bryan had been raised with the fundamentalist belief that the Bible was
  • Misleading as it was, Starnes succeeded in joining the fundamentalist leadership
  • In its most simplistic definition, Fundamentalism is merely the belief that every
  • May 29, 2009 . Fundamentalism, in a religious context, is when a religious group believes that its
  • Despite the fact that this belief is decades old and comes from the days of the
  • Sep 26, 2011 . Although we believed that fundamentalist Christianity predated the Reformation,
  • Fundamentalists still believe in the teachings of Brigham Young and other early
  • Jul 8, 2009 . ((The phrase is borrowed from Marsden, 259.)) Fundamentalism believed that
  • Fundamentalists believe themselves to be returning to past conventional
  • They believe the Bible, but they came from the Protestant group, so they are
  • Some Hindu fundamentalists also believe that ancient Indians actually
  • Jun 25, 2010 . Fundamentalists generally believe that the authors of the Bible were inspired by
  • The rise in religious fundamentalism has been mirrored by a rise in scientific . If
  • Evolution provides the most obvious example. This choice of ignorance extended
  • There is a second strand to the fundamentalist support for Israel: the belief that
  • A major problem with fundamentalism is that fundamentalists believe they know
  • Ian Wishart - Christian Fundamentalist. Debunking of Christianity.
  • that touch on the focus of my research—i. e., the historic fundamentalist atti- tudes
  • The main distinction between a fundamentalist and a mainliner is the approach to
  • Jun 9, 2002 . The fundamentalists falsely believed that Southern Baptists were moving in the
  • The term "fundamentalism" has its roots in the Niagara Bible Conference (1878–
  • This depends on the religion to say what they believe. Christian fundamentlaists
  • Seven things fundamentalists believe about the Bible are that it is (1)
  • These polygamists split off into several other groups, only one of which is the
  • Aug 12, 2011 . WHAT FUNDAMENTALISTS BELIEVE Many Christians claim to be
  • Literalist creationists believe that evolution cannot adequately account for the
  • Going back to the significance of the establishment of Israel in 1948, quite a
  • Literal Bible interpretation. Many fundamentalists believed the Holy Spirit dictated
  • The fundamentalists would have us believe that the Nazi idea of a “master race”
  • Apr 8, 2011 . The word fundamentalist denotes a person who believes and lives by a . The
  • An Alternative to Fundamentalism: Belief Versus Faith. Fundamentalism rests on
  • Fundamentalists belief that they have the exclusive 'ear' to God's word.
  • Biblical Fundamentalism is a movement that believes, obeys, proclaims, and . A
  • "The Fundamentals" outlined the bedrock truths that all Christians should believe.
  • Jamal al-Din-al-Afghani, the father of modern fundamentalism, believed that
  • Jul 7, 2011 . No need to be malicious or argumentative in your translation – this is just another
  • Fundamentalists also believed that Moses was the author of the Pentateuch,
  • Arno C. Gabelein, a prominent fundamentalist leader, believed that the Protocols
  • It is believed by Fundamentalists that the Manifesto was deliberately designed to
  • Several articles on Fundamentalism. A source of information for deeper
  • Wiehe investigated the idea that support for corporal punishment among
  • Fundamentalists believed that most of the gifts of the Spirit were no longer
  • The moral teachings of Jesus thus become optional thus fundamentalists believe
  • Dec 8, 2000 . Most fundamentalist also believe that the earth (and the universe) is no more
  • The very people who helped to organize and to write the beliefs of what is called

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