May 15, 12
Other articles:
  • 30 quotes have been tagged as fundamentalism: Anne Lamott: 'You can safely
  • Aug 14, 2011 . Those of us who wrote about the Christian fundamentalist influence on the Bush
  • Nov 23, 2003 . George M. Marsden's Fundamentalism and American Culture is deservedly still
  • Sep 4, 2007 . The fundamentalists, then, have launched a crusade to turn America into a
  • May 4, 2009 . After revelations that some American soldiers were given Bibles and encouraged
  • Once used exclusively to refer to American Protestants who insisted on the
  • Jun 1, 2010 . Carpenter, Joel A. Revive Us Again: The Reawakening of American
  • Mar 7, 2012 . Extremists shape American politics to unabashedly pursue legislative policies
  • Fundamentalism had multiple roots in British and American theology of the 19th
  • Mar 16, 2012 . Fundamentalism and American Culture by George Marsden challenges existing
  • Apr 30, 2005 . Evangelical Christians among the officers and cadets at the US Air Force
  • Mar 6, 2012 . Market Fundamentalism. A number of powerful anti-democratic tendencies now
  • People & Events: Fundamentalism and the Social Gospel. William Jennings
  • Fundamentalism and American Culture: The Shaping of Twentieth-
  • The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy. By Jeff Sharlet (Little, Brown
  • C Street by Jeff Sharlet: C Street - where piety, politics, and corruption meet Jeff
  • Few Americans understood the real reasons for the alliance between Christian
  • Modern American fundamentalism grew out of the nineteenth century evangelical
  • Sep 6, 2011 . The US media has been downplaying a radical Christian theology that is
  • User Review - Flag as inappropriate. A great book on the foundations of
  • movement in American Protestantism that arose in the late 19th century in
  • Fundamentalism was a movement that arose in the late 19th and early 20th
  • The complete title of the book is, Fundamentalism and American Culture, The
  • Most histories of American fundamentalism (including the valuable section in this
  • The early history of Fundamentalism in America and the decision to launch an
  • The story of American Fundamentalism and its evangelical offspring is carefully
  • Apr 28, 2006 . Crazy American Fundamentalist Christian on fox news, talking total - Cached - Similar"Made in America": Christian Fundamentalism - Dr John A Dick . Aug 12, 2011 . We are increasingly aware that fundamentalism is not a monolith. It has political,
  • (Modernism) Today fundamentalists make up about 20 percent of the American
  • "Marsden reveals a great deal of history, showing the origins, development and
  • Jeff Sharlet is a contributing editor of Harper's Magazine and the author of The
  • Fundamentalism is a relatively new brand of Protestantism started in America that
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  • Jan 19, 2012 . Neo-fundamentalism among American Evangelicals. Michael Clawson. Baylor
  • Islamic fundamentalists can therefore pose a terrorist threat to their enemies.
  • Sep 22, 2009 . We're told, over and over, that Christian Fundamentalism is the single greatest
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  • Many American's today are taking note of the surprisingly strong political force
  • The first formulation of American fundamentalist beliefs can be traced to the
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  • The specific origin of the word fundamentalism dates to an early 20th Century
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  • Apr 6, 2009 . Have you ever tried to talk to someone who seemed bright, but the only ideas she
  • history, fundamentalism, george dollar, baptist, christian, - Cached - SimilarJuan Cole-Fundamentalism in the Contemporary U.S. Baha'i . Fundamentalism in U.S. Baha'i Community. Juan Cole's Baha'i Studies Page.

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