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30 quotes have been tagged as fundamentalism: Anne Lamott: 'You can safely
Aug 14, 2011 . Those of us who wrote about the Christian fundamentalist influence on the Bush
Nov 23, 2003 . George M. Marsden's Fundamentalism and American Culture is deservedly still
Sep 4, 2007 . The fundamentalists, then, have launched a crusade to turn America into a
May 4, 2009 . After revelations that some American soldiers were given Bibles and encouraged
Once used exclusively to refer to American Protestants who insisted on the
Jun 1, 2010 . Carpenter, Joel A. Revive Us Again: The Reawakening of American
Mar 7, 2012 . Extremists shape American politics to unabashedly pursue legislative policies
Fundamentalism had multiple roots in British and American theology of the 19th
Mar 16, 2012 . Fundamentalism and American Culture by George Marsden challenges existing
Apr 30, 2005 . Evangelical Christians among the officers and cadets at the US Air Force
Mar 6, 2012 . Market Fundamentalism. A number of powerful anti-democratic tendencies now
People & Events: Fundamentalism and the Social Gospel. William Jennings
Amazon.com: Fundamentalism and American Culture: The Shaping of Twentieth-
The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy. By Jeff Sharlet (Little, Brown
C Street by Jeff Sharlet: C Street - where piety, politics, and corruption meet Jeff
Few Americans understood the real reasons for the alliance between Christian
Modern American fundamentalism grew out of the nineteenth century evangelical
Sep 6, 2011 . The US media has been downplaying a radical Christian theology that is
User Review - Flag as inappropriate. A great book on the foundations of
movement in American Protestantism that arose in the late 19th century in
Fundamentalism was a movement that arose in the late 19th and early 20th
The complete title of the book is, Fundamentalism and American Culture, The
Most histories of American fundamentalism (including the valuable section in this
The early history of Fundamentalism in America and the decision to launch an
The story of American Fundamentalism and its evangelical offspring is carefully
Apr 28, 2006 . Crazy American Fundamentalist Christian on fox news, talking total crap.www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns-kPDVXACE - Cached - Similar"Made in America": Christian Fundamentalism - Dr John A Dick . Aug 12, 2011 . We are increasingly aware that fundamentalism is not a monolith. It has political,
(Modernism) Today fundamentalists make up about 20 percent of the American
"Marsden reveals a great deal of history, showing the origins, development and
Jeff Sharlet is a contributing editor of Harper's Magazine and the author of The
Fundamentalism is a relatively new brand of Protestantism started in America that
The three branches of modern American Fundamentalism have somehow
Could Santorum's Radical Religious Fundamentalism Propel US Into Religious
Jan 19, 2012 . Neo-fundamentalism among American Evangelicals. Michael Clawson. Baylor
Islamic fundamentalists can therefore pose a terrorist threat to their enemies.
Sep 22, 2009 . We're told, over and over, that Christian Fundamentalism is the single greatest
In “The Sword of the Lord: The Roots of Fundamentalism in an American Family”,
Many American's today are taking note of the surprisingly strong political force
The first formulation of American fundamentalist beliefs can be traced to the
American Fundamentalism: The Ideal of Femininity. RANDALL BALMER. During
Feb 4, 2005 . FUNDAMENTALISM IN AMERICA. `All Praises Due to Satan, The Ruler of the
Vocal support of a pro-Israel American foreign policy is basic for the leaders of
The book Roots of Fundamentalism: British and American Millenarianism, 1800-
The specific origin of the word fundamentalism dates to an early 20th Century
Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their
Apr 6, 2009 . Have you ever tried to talk to someone who seemed bright, but the only ideas she
history, fundamentalism, george dollar, baptist, christian, american.www.historyoffundamentalism.com/ - Cached - SimilarJuan Cole-Fundamentalism in the Contemporary U.S. Baha'i . Fundamentalism in U.S. Baha'i Community. Juan Cole's Baha'i Studies Page.