Other articles:
web.mat.bham.ac.uk/A.Evseev/algsem/previous/. /wildon.pdfCachedJan 17, 2013 . Foulkes' Conjecture is one of the main open problems in algebraic combina-
eugeniomaths.wordpress.com/research/CachedDuring my PhD I have been working firstly on Foulkes' Conjecture. A long
https://eudml.org/doc/125741CachedSivek, Steven. "Some plethysm results related to Foulkes' conjecture.." The
mathoverflow.net/. /a-zero-multiplicity-problem-related-to-foulkes- conjectureCachedAug 4, 2014 . I'm a combinatorialist that is interested in estimating multiplicities of irreps of (the
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link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02988299SimilarJun 1, 1993 . The nonsingularity ofT implies Foulkes's Conjecture (for these values of m andn).
rezscore.com/r/JpG0gUsbaNg~.pdfCachedVessenes, R., “Generalized Foulkes' Conjecture”, Journal of Algebra vol. 277,
dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2036668Nov 1, 2011 . Tags: closed set family foulkes module foulkes' conjecture module . Foulkes,
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www.math.ucla.edu/~pak/papers/QBC12.pdfCachedJun 15, 2014 . case of the Saxl conjecture (see §7.5). . . This work was motivated by the
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www.math.illinois.edu/~arm/ARMillerFoulkesPaper.pdfCachedAbstract We investigate Foulkes characters for a wide class of reflection groups .
projecteuclid.org/euclid.em/1128371753We describe how certain permutation actions of large symmetric groups can be
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If this map were surjective from degree nz on we would have a proof of Foulkes's
www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10586458.2005.10128928Jan 30, 2011 . Some Computations Regarding Foulkes' Conjecture. Download full text. Full
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https://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_pdf.php?issn=0034-5318. Similarjecture”, we will state a big amount of conjectures (about 30) and problems .
dauns.math.tulane.edu/~mcan/Makalelerim/. /Plethysm082810.pdfCachedIn [1], using (1.1), Can and Loehr prove the q, t-Square conjecture of the Loehr .
www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Juergen.Mueller/preprints/jm23.psCachedSimilarApr 27, 2005 . approach to Foulkes' conjecture suggested in [Black and List, 1989]. 1 Foulkes' .
www.degruyter.com/view/j/jgth.ahead-of-print/. /jgth-2014-0023.xmlMay 6, 2014 . Using this formula we verify Foulkes' Conjecture in some new cases. The authors
arxiv.org/abs/math/0411110CachedSimilarNov 5, 2004 . . equivariant map between two plethystic compositions of symmetric powers; a
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trove.nla.gov.au/work/10000117?versionId=11615939+24918287Nov 5, 2004 . 2004, English, Article edition: Brill-Gordan Loci, Transvectants and an Analogue
igm.univ-mlv.fr/~berstel/. /Travaux/A/1980-2NewStatAnnDM.pdfCachedsymmetric group. We present here a generalization, the “load”, which we used to
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thesis.library.caltech.edu/1870/2/Chapter1.pdfCachedGeneralized Foulkes' Conjecture and Tableaux. Construction. Thesis by.
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https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/38272/1/2008McKayTJPhD.pdfCachedMar 6, 2012 . this conjecture to ask if there exists an injective map Hλ → Hλ . In this . A long