Other articles:
Do I need to know PHP or MySQL to use vBulletin? Do I need to know HTML .
Powerful discussion forum software for PHP/MySQL.
I'm looking for software to integrate a forum in a website. It should be based on
Also, since this I have attention of a group of forum. . IMO the best forum
Hi guys what is the best all-round php-based freeware forum package these days
Vistix is a forum software that is coded in PHP. It currently uses TextFiles to store
This is a comparison of the features of various Internet forum packages written in
Jun 10, 2007 . I am thinking about adding a forum to my website pretty soon and would like to
Oct 22, 2011 . Best free forum software? (self.PHP). submitted 2 hours ago by canijoinin. Just
Easily install more than 40 popular PHP scripts from the following categoties:
Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged seo looking-
Aug 13, 2011 . UseBB is a free and effective PHP/MySQL bulletin board package.
The official homepage for MyBB, a free PHP and MySQL based discussion
Recently while performing a basic forum software upgrade through PHPbb3 on
powerboards forum software: php designers wanted!- Project Help Wanted. Visit
Most renown and popular Commercial PHP Forum Software reviewed at Forum
PHP based forum software (A-M): aterr | Free aterr is an open source threaded
I'm looking to integrate a light-weight forum feature into an existing . Looks like
Want to build a simple and easy, but many features powered forum of your own?
AZbb: Forum based on PHP. Free for nonprofit and personal use. Backtalk:
Phorum Development Team. Core Developers. Brian Moon — Brian is the
Hi All ! I want to know your reviews regarding Free Forum Softwares which are
Simple Machines Forum (SMT in short) is an OpenSource PHP Forum project,
Users respond about their favorite PHP Message Boards.
PHP and MySQL message board software developped by WoltLab Gmbh. Prices
Jul 5, 2010 . Download the latest stable, beta, or archived version of YaBB. Get your free
Nov 8, 2011 . SMF is written in the popular language PHP and uses a MySQL database. . SMF
Phorum is open source forum software with a penchant for speed. Phorum's very
Comparison of Internet forum software (PHP). Wikipedia . This is a comparison
Consult the latest PHP forum software reviews. Among the most famous products,
PHP/MySQL forum software that supports themes, BB code, and instant
Unread message tracking refers to the way that is used by forum software to track
If you are also looking to start your forum site then you need a forum software or
Started in 1998, Phorum was the original PHP and MySQL based Open Source
PHP @ DaniWeb - Hi Guys! I want to know about Forum Software Development,(
here you will be able to choose between the best forum software for your web site
I've used both Vbulletin and Simple Machines in the past but I'd like . phpBB is
WikidForum is an open source free forum software combined with a Wiki which
Phorum - PHP based forum software. Phorum is a message board software that
Platform: Any (requires PHP and MySQL; Oracle and SQL Server also supported.
The full name of AEF is Advanced Electron Forum. This bulletin board software is
Feb 20, 2011 . Mini BB prides itself on being small, yet powerful, and recognise that forum
PHP Forum Software, Photo Gallery, Portal. UBB.threads offers more for 1 low
phpBB is free and open source forum software that is easy to use, powerful, and
vBulletin is the best forum software available. It was written in PHP and MySQL
PHP Forum & Discussion Board Scripts | Search & Download Software Free. Get
vBulletin is the most popular and full featured commercial forum software
Nov 7, 2011 . Vanilla is forum software that powers discussions on 507246 sites. Built for
Many are free or open-source PHP codebase applications that use a MySQL .
It's was a long time since the last review, but today, we are reviewing a