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The FreeiPodGuide Forums Forum Index. LucroCash - 100% . Smilies. Rating: 1
There is currently 9 whistling smileys to be found on this page, they're pretty good
Jun 24, 2011 . You'll see how it works when you look at the array push code. Forum Emoticons.
Code - Enter here the code you wish to be typed in for the smiley to be . I'm
Learn how to adjust the smilies for your forum by uploading single images or . In
How to add smileys in forums. Smiley . Share smileys, use them in your forums
Yes, all smilies are free to use however you wish. All you have to do is copy and
no smilies or BB code in pets forum. Post by Funk500 » Sun, 13 Mar 2011 9:39. I
Jan 8, 2010 . Funny Cute Panda Smiley, Emoticon, Smilies, Emoticons Codes for Forum n Blog
Below are the available emoticons codes that will be replaced by the forums
Welcome to the smiley code list! Here you will find a picture of every smiley and
Oct 6, 2011 . Smiley List Code This is just a request! Smiley list like Moboface Code this the
May 12, 2011 . Hello Everybody. I'm making a chatclient in swishmax and everything works like a
Forum Code If you are posting on a forum or are adding a smiley to your sig on a
How to use emoticons in a forum message. When you choose an emoticon, click
You can find here thousands non-standard animated smilies. Just choose a
The World's #1 Bodybuilding And Fitness Forum - Save Up To 50% Off Retail
hi, when trying to add smilies and emoticons to my forum, I get this error
'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or .
Jul 22, 2008 . phpBB • Free and Open Source Forum Software . The Smiley Code is the typed '
'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or .
Use the code from Box 1 on the smileys page, and paste this into your FunWall
Feb 11, 2011 . "Smiley set" is a group of smileys (images, e.g. ), their codes (e.g. . . If you still
Write your own text and get the free smiley codes generated by the free smileys
Smiley codes, or emoticons, are combinations of punctuation marks in a . 6.
Nov 15, 2011 . Hi Guys I need small help locating ipb smileys pop up window code so I can
These are pretty straightforward. Each has a colon just before and just after the
Forum Code If you are posting on a forum or are adding a smiley to your sig on a
Add Funny Smilies n Emoticons with Smiley Codes. Fast n Simple Copy-paste
vB codes are what vBulletin calls Bulletin Board codes (BBcodes). These are
There is a good news for all of you. Today we have added smilies codes in forum.
Free bouncing smiley faces, no registration or signups! . Welcome to Smiley-
Get rid of this crap by registering your own SA Forums Account and joining
This means you can use the smiley collections you build and put them on your
Share your fave smileys with your friends and family, create your own albums that
Nov 13, 2011 . Recently I accidently entered smiley code ?:-) in one my converstion with a friend
Smiley, Smileys, Emoticons. . Free Smiley Emoticons, Free Smiles, Free
Smiley Forum Code . alt="Smiley" border="0" /></a>. URL. http://www.
Forum Code If you are posting on a forum or are adding a smiley to your sig on a
Smileys pictures, Smileys images, Smileys graphics, fotos, scraps, comments and
Forum Code, <applause>. GuideML Tag . Now, we're sure we can leave it up to
Smilies website offers Thousands of free smilies, smiley emoticons, glitter
name, code, pic, name, code, pic. smile, :), :), frown, :(, :(. Oh! :O, :O, Oh well. :/, :\.
anyone know of any smileys or emoticons that can be downloaded for evo. .
The other way, is for you to create a directory, inside your forum's "Smileys" . If
Forums · Trade Search · Smiley Codes · Get email/references · Game Database ·
Thousands of totally free smileys for MSN Messenger, AIM, Yahoo, Forum . no
Free advertising for your website: Every post in our forums goes towards a "credit
At the bottom of this message, I am using the headbang emoticon. . There are
ID, Smiley, URL. 1, cool.png, B), cool.png. 2, sad.png, :(, sad.png. 3, smile.png, :),