Other articles:
Mar 15, 2009 . It was only a matter of time. . It appears that a custodial parent is seeking to
Jan 2, 2009 . It's still far too early to tell whether fMRI-based lie detection will become feasible,
May 14, 2010 . A federal court in Tennessee heard arguments yesterday and today on whether
May 14, 2010 . A federal court in Tennessee heard arguments yesterday and today on whether
The Use of fMRI in Lie Detection: What Has Been Shown and What Has Not . .
The fMRI Brain Scan: A Better Lie Detector? « Go back. Publication Date: July 20,
The science behind fMRI lie detection has matured with astonishing speed. The
Nov 3, 2008 . Is the MRI lie detector test reliable? Asks Leo in Arizona. Can an fMRI like this
May 5, 2010 . fMRI lie detection also fails to make this grade. Although studies have found that
Oct 30, 2007 . That process shows up on the fMRI scan. No Lie. If Langleben is all about the
May 10, 2010 . fMRI lie detection still not admissable. brain image Courts continue to flirt with
Mar 17, 2009 . fMRI Lie Detection enters the courtroom. UPDATE! Request to admit No Lie MRI
MRI lie detectors would measure blood flow to specific parts of the brain. Learn
Sep 3, 2010 . A perfect example of this can be found right here in San Diego with No Lie MRI,
Jul 20, 2009 . The commercially available lie-detection technology may sound exciting, but a
Has anyone ever gotten the fmri lie detection test? I want to take the lie detection
Feb 1, 2008 . the modest stream of data on fMRI-based lie detection, I was asked by Dr . write
We now see the advent of yet another new technology, functional magnetic
Aug 19, 2007 . Lies in politics could be reduced significantly by using best technologies science
Jun 4, 2010 . A Massachusetts forensics firm is currently hawking a lie detection/truth
Mar 16, 2009 . Defense attorneys are for the first time submitting a controversial neurological lie-
Despite some significant concerns about validity and reliability, fMRI lie detection
Functional MRI lie detection: too good to be true? Simpson JR. VA Long Beach
Oct 31, 2011 . Ganis et al recently explored whether lie detection countermeasures would affect
Sep 14, 2010 . In the last few years, fMRI and EEG have made it into the popular press as tools
Oct 11, 2011 . A series of Supreme Court rulings shed some light on whether neuroscientific
MRI Lie Detection to Get First Day in Court By Alexis Madrigal March 16, 2009 | 7:
Oct 31, 2011 . Ganis et al recently explored whether lie detection countermeasures would affect
Studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have shown that it
Oct 1, 2008 . Scientists claim to have developed a new lie detector which is 97 per cent
May 5, 2010 . Today, at a pretrial hearing, a judge in an employment retaliation case in New
Later this year, two startups will launch commercial fMRI lie-detection services,
A MRI lie detector could detect truthfullness more accurately than a polygraph
Lie Detection; Working with Cephos; fMRI Testing Process; Admissibility. While
Oct 9, 2007 . A new wave of lie-detection technology relies on fMRI imaging technology and
Jul 12, 2011 . The Influence of fMRI Lie Detection Evidence on Juror Decision-Making. David P.
C. fMRI Lie Detection Evidence Must Pass Through the Gates of . Has fMRI Lie
Jun 26, 2006 . No Lie MRI plans to begin offering brain-based lie-detector tests in Philadelphia
Jul 23, 2011 . They wanted to give the public an insight into how huge the funding is for
Jan 4, 2010 . How to beat an fMRI lie detector. In a not-so-distant dystopia, you might be
Towards clinical trials of lie detection with fMRI. Hakun JG, Ruparel K, Seelig D,
May 6, 2010 . Another push to use fMRI lie detection technology in US courts failed, but the
Apr 23, 2010 . Much attention has been paid in recent years to functional magnetic resonance
May 14, 2010 . After nearly 12 hours of testimony yesterday by scientists, a hearing on whether
No Lie MRI, Inc. provides unbiased methods for the detection of deception and
Jun 1, 2010 . A landmark decision has excluded fMRI lie-detection evidence from a federal
Lies, truth and science. Deception is a fascinating, yet unsettling, trait that
May 6, 2010 . A review article on the use of fMRI for lie detection basically found that .
Feb 24, 2010 . In essence, fMRI could someday become an unbeatable lie detector. The reality,
Jul 30, 2010 . Freelance writer Mark Harris tests an MRI-based lie detector . . The only other