Feb 9, 12
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  • X xx.x XXX XXX SI Unit nmol/d fg/L ug/L umol/L nmol/L umol/L umol/L umol/L .
  • Nov 17, 2011 . This is a custom product so RNA sequences and lengths are flexible to suit your
  • Nanomol/Second, nmol/s . Examol/Second [Emol/s], Femtomol/Second [fmol/s],
  • Zinc deficiency affects estrogen and androgen receptors in rat liver1. Androgen
  • Sep 14, 2011 . The results showed that: (1) the ATP content and ATP synthase activities in
  • . sm All l/nmol/h Fixed Parameter Value Unit kdm All l/nmol/h ksRm 2.90 fmol/g/
  • . nanomol/second [nmol/s], picomol/second [pmol/s], femtomol/second [fmol/s],
  • Antibody-recognizable adducts comprised roughly one-half of the total BP-DNA
  • high affinity binding site (0.64 ^ 0.017 nmol/l) made up of b1/b2-AR subtypes,
  • 16.7 nmol/mg protein (A) and 37 plusminus 3.5 nmol/mg protein (B) for total
  • Jan 20, 2006 . mol, mmol, µmol, nmol, pmol, fmol, amol. molecules. "mole" --> "weight": mol,
  • You will obtain that it corresponds to 21.87fmol (or 13170342425 molecules). If
  • ranges for the proposed biosensors were in the ranges of fmol l(1 to pmol l(1,
  • The binding was specific and saturable with dissociation constant (Kd) and
  • (nm/L * mL * 0.001 L/ml * 1000000 fmol/nmol * cpm/fmol). a = -1-NS b = KdCPM +
  • The Kd and Bmax of each group respectively, were as follows: C, Kd = 2.86 +/-
  • Sample Load Concentration, pmoL~nmoL, fmol~pmolL. Maximum Sample Load
  • The product contained 630 fmol/nmol. DNA total alkylation as calculated from the
  • . 8 18 14 20 Ti pmol lÀ1 4–8 200–300 30–60 200 V nmol lÀ1 32 36 23 Cr nmol
  • P450 1A1 DNA adducts were derived from both anti- and syn-DB[a,l]PDE at rates
  • DNA, R = 0.982 vs 5.74 ± 1.55 fmol/mg. DNA, R = 0.93; P < 0.01), whereas
  • mol, mmol, µmol, nmol, pmol, fmol, amol. in. l, ml, µl, nl, pl, fl. M, mM, µM, nM, pM
  • 425-2485). 535 nm (bw 10 nm) (Hidex Code No. 425-3535). Settings. HV. 800.
  • This corresponds to a concentration sensitivity of 0.5 nmol/1. However, when
  • Urine methylmalonic acid (fmol/nmol creatinine) (UMMA) values were elevated in
  • mol, mmol, µmol, nmol, pmol, fmol, amol. molecules. mole --> weight: mol, mmol,
  • In patients with mitral valve disease we estimated 84 +/- 11 fmol mg-1 (n = 3) .
  • . Gel filtration' Digitonin 75 265 fmol/mg Gel filtration Gel filtration Gel filtration .
  • lated (fmol of 3H incorporated in each fraction per nmol of phosphorus). . i 10
  • SA = 15 Ci/mmol DPM/fmol = SA x 2.22 = 15 x 2.22 = 33.3 DPM/fmol = 33.3 x 106
  • calibration curve for acetylcholine (Figure 3) shows lin- earity over the range from
  • (IUPAC). fmol/mg, FemtoMolesPerMilliGram, fmol/mg, M-1N. nmol/mg,
  • Aug 1, 2011. (1 fmol/l or −15): mTALP+1 fmol/l α-methylserotonin; (−14): mTALP+10 . nmol/l
  • Jan 1, 2004. B and myeloid cell lines: ⋄, B-CLL (dissociation constant [Kd] = 0.8 nmol/L, n =
  • Levels of total (A) and N-acyl chain length of dihydroceramide. (B and C) were
  • lated (fmol of 3H incorporated in each fraction per nmol of phosphorus). . + 10
  • Jul 22, 2011 . In the homogenate obtained from control hearts, the Kd and the Bmax averaged
  • 0. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000. 12. 16. 20. 24. 28.
  • . nmol/L;binding capacity (Bmax) = 6.2 fmol/mg protein: R2: Kd = 16 nmol/L;
  • Nanomol Per Second [nmol/s] To Femtomol Per Second [fmol/s] Conversion
  • Cardiac [125I]Ang II-binding sites were of high affinity (Kd, approximately 1 nmol/
  • The presence of DES (40 fmol-40 nmol/15 min for a total of 90 min) in the Ringer
  • . 102 fmol new purines/nmol total purines/h) compared to the 12 patients who
  • XX 0.01 Phytanic acid (P) Trace-0.3 mg/dL 32.00 <10 nmol/L XX 5 pmol/L . nmol
  • P450 1A1 DNA adducts were derived from both anti- and syn-DBa,lPDE at rates
  • Apr 1, 2006. at 20 months of age. Oxo8dG (fmol/nmol) levels were measured in these
  • . purines/nmol total purines/h) compared to the 12 patients who had received
  • Kd and Bmax values were 25 ± 1.3 nmol/l and 35 ± 2.4 fmol/mg protein,
  • 76 fmol/nmol/h, P < .0001). By as- sessing the expression of 82 genes in- volved

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