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X xx.x XXX XXX SI Unit nmol/d fg/L ug/L umol/L nmol/L umol/L umol/L umol/L .
Nov 17, 2011 . This is a custom product so RNA sequences and lengths are flexible to suit your
Nanomol/Second, nmol/s . Examol/Second [Emol/s], Femtomol/Second [fmol/s],
Zinc deficiency affects estrogen and androgen receptors in rat liver1. Androgen
Sep 14, 2011 . The results showed that: (1) the ATP content and ATP synthase activities in
. sm All l/nmol/h Fixed Parameter Value Unit kdm All l/nmol/h ksRm 2.90 fmol/g/
. nanomol/second [nmol/s], picomol/second [pmol/s], femtomol/second [fmol/s],
Antibody-recognizable adducts comprised roughly one-half of the total BP-DNA
high affinity binding site (0.64 ^ 0.017 nmol/l) made up of b1/b2-AR subtypes,
16.7 nmol/mg protein (A) and 37 plusminus 3.5 nmol/mg protein (B) for total
Jan 20, 2006 . mol, mmol, µmol, nmol, pmol, fmol, amol. molecules. "mole" --> "weight": mol,
You will obtain that it corresponds to 21.87fmol (or 13170342425 molecules). If
ranges for the proposed biosensors were in the ranges of fmol l(1 to pmol l(1,
The binding was specific and saturable with dissociation constant (Kd) and
(nm/L * mL * 0.001 L/ml * 1000000 fmol/nmol * cpm/fmol). a = -1-NS b = KdCPM +
The Kd and Bmax of each group respectively, were as follows: C, Kd = 2.86 +/-
Sample Load Concentration, pmoL~nmoL, fmol~pmolL. Maximum Sample Load
The product contained 630 fmol/nmol. DNA total alkylation as calculated from the
. 8 18 14 20 Ti pmol lÀ1 4–8 200–300 30–60 200 V nmol lÀ1 32 36 23 Cr nmol
P450 1A1 DNA adducts were derived from both anti- and syn-DB[a,l]PDE at rates
DNA, R = 0.982 vs 5.74 ± 1.55 fmol/mg. DNA, R = 0.93; P < 0.01), whereas
mol, mmol, µmol, nmol, pmol, fmol, amol. in. l, ml, µl, nl, pl, fl. M, mM, µM, nM, pM
425-2485). 535 nm (bw 10 nm) (Hidex Code No. 425-3535). Settings. HV. 800.
This corresponds to a concentration sensitivity of 0.5 nmol/1. However, when
Urine methylmalonic acid (fmol/nmol creatinine) (UMMA) values were elevated in
mol, mmol, µmol, nmol, pmol, fmol, amol. molecules. mole --> weight: mol, mmol,
In patients with mitral valve disease we estimated 84 +/- 11 fmol mg-1 (n = 3) .
. Gel filtration' Digitonin 75 265 fmol/mg Gel filtration Gel filtration Gel filtration .
lated (fmol of 3H incorporated in each fraction per nmol of phosphorus). . i 10
SA = 15 Ci/mmol DPM/fmol = SA x 2.22 = 15 x 2.22 = 33.3 DPM/fmol = 33.3 x 106
calibration curve for acetylcholine (Figure 3) shows lin- earity over the range from
(IUPAC). fmol/mg, FemtoMolesPerMilliGram, fmol/mg, M-1N. nmol/mg,
Aug 1, 2011. (1 fmol/l or −15): mTALP+1 fmol/l α-methylserotonin; (−14): mTALP+10 . nmol/l
Jan 1, 2004. B and myeloid cell lines: ⋄, B-CLL (dissociation constant [Kd] = 0.8 nmol/L, n =
Levels of total (A) and N-acyl chain length of dihydroceramide. (B and C) were
lated (fmol of 3H incorporated in each fraction per nmol of phosphorus). . + 10
Jul 22, 2011 . In the homogenate obtained from control hearts, the Kd and the Bmax averaged
0. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000. 12. 16. 20. 24. 28.
. nmol/L;binding capacity (Bmax) = 6.2 fmol/mg protein: R2: Kd = 16 nmol/L;
Nanomol Per Second [nmol/s] To Femtomol Per Second [fmol/s] Conversion
Cardiac [125I]Ang II-binding sites were of high affinity (Kd, approximately 1 nmol/
The presence of DES (40 fmol-40 nmol/15 min for a total of 90 min) in the Ringer
. 102 fmol new purines/nmol total purines/h) compared to the 12 patients who
XX 0.01 Phytanic acid (P) Trace-0.3 mg/dL 32.00 <10 nmol/L XX 5 pmol/L . nmol
P450 1A1 DNA adducts were derived from both anti- and syn-DBa,lPDE at rates
Apr 1, 2006. at 20 months of age. Oxo8dG (fmol/nmol) levels were measured in these
. purines/nmol total purines/h) compared to the 12 patients who had received
Kd and Bmax values were 25 ± 1.3 nmol/l and 35 ± 2.4 fmol/mg protein,
76 fmol/nmol/h, P < .0001). By as- sessing the expression of 82 genes in- volved