Other articles:
Jan 3, 2012 . Style guides seem to disagree with dictionaries about the proper spelling for
flyer meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'high-flyer','high
High-flyers, sometimes spelled high-fliers, are people who have achieved
Aug 19, 2011 . The difference is that American English prefers flier, while flyer is the preferred
Feb 3, 2011 . Outside the U.S., there is no difference between flyer and flier. They are used
May 3, 2005 . Assuming you're talking about a hand-out, both are okay but flyer is the preferred
Jan 18, 2011 . FLYER is a variant spelling of FLIER. When I see flyer I think of planes/
Definition of flyer from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio
flier. n a variant spelling of → flyer. English Collins Dictionary - English Definition
What is flyer? flyer meaning, synonyms and audio pronunciation and more by
Fliers or flyers is a commonly asked question. It turns out they are alternate
1 day ago . millerflier-detail (3).jpg . On the flyer, Miller lists her strengths and tributes,
A flyer or flier, also called a circular, handbill or leaflet, is a form of paper
Flier/flyer. This is a discussion thread · 4 replies. Isabelle Hamey: As a quasi-
The following is a list of preferred spellings, taking in capitalisation, hyphenation
Plural of Flyer. In English, the spellings of flyer and flier are acceptable, with
Feb 21, 2012 . How do you spell flier sp like a flier to hand out to people? ChaCha Answer: It is
Jul 12, 2008 . Peter Greenberg likes flier; Gary Leff and Arthur Frommer (one new-school, one
Feb 28, 2012 . Everyone knows flyer is the correct spelling, according to the author. Well, yes,
Feb 18, 2012 . So “Flyer” has a rich tradition in this country. The preferred spelling is “flier” (with
Spelling. === SPELLING === Please send examples of commonly misspelt .
Mar 9, 2011 . “flyer” or “flier”? I use “flyer”… I must be holding on to some archaic spelling (or
judy02. 11-21-2010, 01:53 PM. Flyer :) I didn't know flier as spelling for a
Finding these words in the dictionary, you'll see that “flyer” (aside from being a
Oct 2, 2002 . Sorry about the hassle, but I couldn't get the thing to email. Post them high and
Oct 19, 2010 . The reason is that I had researched the options, flyer and flier, and had . and (2)
Both "flier" and "flyer" are correct, but . http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Spelling.
Jan 20, 2000 . I have come to prefer the spelling "flyer." However, I believe that "flier" is seen to
Jul 22, 2010 . When creating our business name, there was some dispute as to the spelling of
Translations of flier. flier synonyms, flier antonyms. Information about flier in the
Aug 10, 2006 . In other words, both spellings are acceptable, but as the dictionary definition
Jan 23, 2009 . Flyer or Flier, which is correct? What is the correct spelling of this word? Used in
I looked up flyer and flier today on Microsoft Word under the synonym . I have
They're both accepted spellings, but I think flier is more correct. Flier is probably
What is the Correct spelling flyer or flier? both are correct- see link below: http://
What is flier? flier meaning, synonyms, audio pronunciation and more by Oxford
Mar 21, 2012 . Although both spellings are used for this sense, flyer is more common, as flier is
fly·er / ˈflīər/ • n. variant spelling of flier. Cite this article. Pick a style below, and
Dec 20, 2011 . Recently, someone questioned – with a hint of criticism, I might add – our spelling
Flyer definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, . /
Can Be Either Spelling, F-L-I-E-R Preferred. Definitions of flyer on the Web:
3 entries found for FLIER. flier (noun) · flyer . Charles Lindbergh was the first flier
What is the Correct spelling flyer or flier? In: Grammar, Word Games [Edit
Dec 2, 2011 . One of the unfortunate things that I have not been able to settle on is the correct
Which is right, flier or flyer? Both spellings are acceptable and commonly used. In
flier, Flyer Flier is the preferred spelling meaning "a bulletin, handbill, pilot or
May 24, 2011 . According to the AP Stylebook, “Flier is the preferred term for an aviator . The
Jan 30, 2002 . The word "flyer" is derived from "fly." It is a variant spelling of "flier," according to
How do you spell flier like slip of paper? ChaCha Answer: Flyer (noun): an
Samples of flyer . Flier design . Fliers www.nextdayflyers.com/Flyers Print