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Many people take pictures of different city landmarks and post them to photo-
A Beginner's Guide to Flickr; Flickr Tips, Tricks and Techniques; High Traffic
Returns a list of tags 'related' to the given tag, based on clustered usage analysis.
Flickr real time Tags by pimpampum. Watch tags uploaded to flickr in real time.
explore whether and how we can use the tags associated with Flickr images as a
Tagnautica is an experimental navigation tool built to explore the space of related
Return a list of the top 100 unique tags for a Flickr Places or Where on Earth (
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Flickr machine tag challenge. Building the semantic web one . wraggelabs.com/fmtc/ - Cached - SimilarMany hands make light work « Flickr BlogJan 16, 2008 . There are about 20 million unique tags on Flickr today. 20 million! They are the
One thing the G2 needs is the flickr tags, and it sounds like a lot of other people
Flickr Related Tag Browser lets you surf Flickr's 'tag space'. Flickr tags are . Each
Jan 20, 2009 . Apresentação do Flickr Tag Experience no Stand do Flickr na Campus Party
discuss "Inducing Ontology from Flickr Tags". This publication has not been
flickr.tags.getClusterPhotos request. Returns the first 24 photos for a given tag
Social Media Widget. Adds links to all of your social media and sharing site
Browse through Flickr photos in 3D with this flash application. You need a newer
Inducing Ontology from Flickr Tags. Patrick Schmitz. University of California,
Find Your Flickr Friends Favorite Tags. Flickr is an important platform for sharing
This script allows you to easily locate those images in your group pool that don't
A slideshow from your flickr tags, built with jQuery for unobtrusive javascript and
Flickr is an online photo management and sharing tool. Learn more about Flickr
2004. LOADING. 13. powered by. TAGLINE. A Brief History of Time. ABC. 2004.
Ciro Cattuto wrote a simple piece of code that builds and visualizes a network of
May 29, 2008 . Steven Wood's thesis project, Tag Galaxy is a beautiful piece of work to visualize
extracting place semantics for tags that are assigned to photos on Flickr, a
Generate taxonomic tags for your Flickr photos. Choose a taxon. Not finding what
Apr 27, 2010 . Flickr offers a variety of "machine tag" options that can be used to link photos to
Picasa Albums and Flickr Tags. General . Second question - Can I sort which
Flickr.Tags. Description. The flickr.tags API, fetching photos by tag or cluster
flickr.tags.getHotList request. Returns a list of hot tags for the given period.
Tagerator is a simple program designed to help you understand how you are
flickr.tags.getHotList. Returns a list of hot tags for the given period. . See here for
Issue Summary. I have been searching for weeks trying to find out how to use
How to Tag Photos on Flickr. Flickr allows you to share with family and friends.
Jun 9, 2006 . American Heartbreak If you are posting photos to flickr from vloggercon please
Sep 28, 2009 . Flickr just announced support for OpenStreetMap, the wiki-like mapping service
tics for tags that are assigned to photos on Flickr, a popu- lar photo sharing
convert a set of tags into a RDF description in the context of photos on Flickr. .
What are tags? You can give your photos and videos a "tag", which is like a
flickr.tags.getMostFrequentlyUsed. Returns a list of most frequently used tags . <
ThemeForest files tagged with flickr. . Sort by. Relevance, Rating, Sales, Price. 1
Tags are like keywords or labels that you add to a photo to make it easier to find
Apr 24, 2008 . The photo-sharing service's director of product management talks about the
Dec 6, 2008 . Related posts: Tag Clustering in Flickr Flickr Donation Program Flickr Problems
Flickr Search Engine Plugins / Providers for Firefox / IE8. . Cooliris - Flickr 3D
Jan 14, 2011 . Tag clouds are a neat way of visualizing what content is about, and Tagerator is a
Flickr, tag characterisation, tag recommendation, photo an- notations, collective .
Metacrap and Flickr Tags: An Interview with Cory Doctorow. By Dylan Tweney ·