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flickcurl is a utility program to call the Flickr APIs via the flickcurl library. . a list of
Jun 8, 2009 . A tool to sort your Flickr photostream by the date your photos were taken. . that
(current-api-key) . The date should be in the form of a Unix . Flickr API: flickr.
Flickr is the most popular photo sharing service with over 5 billion images. . API:
RelativeDateTime(years=0,months=0,days=10) # Begin date #bd . "http://flickr.
Descriptions in italics are cited from the flickr-api-documentation. template: a .
A complete list of place type IDs is available using the flickr.places. . Photos with
Sep 20, 2009 . So, I wrote a tool with the damn excellent Flickr API. And it's now time to share it.
Picsviewr provides a wide variety of slideshows to view your Flickr photos. .
Oct 13, 2009 . h4ppierphotos is a full featured but very raw organizational tool that uses flickr's
This is extracted from EXIF date if available, else set to the time of upload. . (for
I've found the Date() object in javascript and figured out how to set it equal to
May 5, 2008 . Flickr API Method: flickr.photos.search (returns geo and non geo images) copy .
The idea is to make flash code which interacts with the Flickr API quicker and . .
Return a list of the top 100 unique tags for a Flickr Places or Where on Earth .
Uploading Photos (0.10): POST to http://api.flickr.com/services/upload/ . .
Nov 28, 2009 . The Flickr API is a very powerful and easy to use way to put photos on . and
Aug 2, 2009 . VERSION; DATE; AUTHOR; SEE ALSO; BUGS; LICENSE . Net::Flickr::API is a
May 27, 2009 . Just a simple story-mode how to work with the flickr api using the . Using a
Jul 28, 2009 . Flickr's upload API is distinct from its REST or SOAP based APIs in that there are
hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/tharris/flickr-api-simple-pm . . Photos with an
3 days ago . Try doing that if you have a premium account from 2008 and want to put the
Desktop Flickr Organiser for Gnome; Flickr Upload for Gnomeís Nautilus;
The easy to use Flickr API has several interfaces written in Python, the best one
Gets a list of photo counts for the given date ranges for the calling user. Photos . .
[Flickr APIs] upload/exif dates and notes in api hei, i have some things in mind
May 19, 2011 . I'm doing some programming against the Flickr API and am having . I compare
Photos with an upload date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. .
The flickr package. The flickr API binding lets you access flickr.com's resources
Jul 12, 2009 . maxUploadDate - Maximum upload date. Photos with an upload date less than or
. under Creative Commons. Cyberinsekt, your a utter star. http://www.flickr.com/
api_key (Required): Your API application key. . edit dates for. date_posted (
I had left the piece of code that time-shifted Upload Dates commented out after .
flickcurl is a program that can call some of the Flickr APIs, plus help with
Jan 23, 2011. the date the photo was uploaded to Flickr. The date taken is useful where you
A set of simple scripts using the Perl Flickr::API module that I've written to .
Max upload date: Min taken date: Max taken date: Read the further steps and
Flickr started to support oAuth just few weeks ago and there is no up to date
Apr 1, 2006 . The other option is to the use the Flickr API. Using flickr.photos.setDates you can
Sorting Flickr By Date Taken, Not Upload Date. flickr sort. One of the few
Jan 20, 2009 . To address this issue, David created a web application that uses Flickr's API in
Gets a list of photo counts for the given date ranges for the calling user. Photos . .
Learn how to fetch Flickr photos by date taken or date uploaded – this video . If
This doesn't require an update of the library. Ruby syntax similar to the flickr api.
Generated automatically from flickr api def addTags(*args) @flickr.call . .. Photos
The structure of an API often points out key entities in the web site. . When you
api_key (Required): Your API application key. . Photos with an upload date
The result - when you tried to change the upload dates nothing happened. .
May 31, 2011 . wrote: > > Hi > > I read here http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.photos.search
Flickr uploads statistic. . most "uploadable" time on flickr, so now(while i am