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A whiplike motility appendage present on the surface cells.www.reference.md/files/D005/mD005407.html - Cached - SimilarDefine flagellum | Dictionary and ThesaurusAskDefine is an online English dictionary. It features auto completion of search
FLAGELLA Defined Using a Free Online Dictionary.define.com/flagella - Cached - SimilarCillia,+Flagella definitions | QuizletUser-contributed definitions of Cillia,+Flagella definitions on Quizlet.quizlet.com/dictionary/cillia,%2Bflagella/ - Cached - Similarflagellum - WordReference.com Dictionary of English▶noun (pl. flagella) Biology a slender thread-like structure, especially a
rotary flagella definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'rotary
Multiple flagella may be randomly distributed over the entire bacterial cell -
Relatively long, whiplike, centriole-based locomotor organelles on some motile
Is Flagellar a Scrabble word? Is it Scrabble dictionary, and What is Flagellar
definition of flagella - a whip used to inflict punishment (often used for pedantic
Definition of FLAGELLATE. 1. a or flag·el·lat·ed \ˈflaj-ə-ˌlāt-əd\ : having flagella
Flagellate definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with . noun. 5.
flagella definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'flagellant','
Oct 3, 2005 . Definition and other additional information on Bacterial flagella from Biology-
flagella ( fljel ) ( biology ) Relatively long, whiplike, centriole-based locomotor
Skip to definition. . Noun: flagellum (flagella,flagellums) flu'je-lum. A whip used
Biology A long, threadlike appendage, especially a whiplike extension of certain
Definition and other additional information on Flagellum from Biology-Online.org
FLAGELLA definition : n. plural form of flagellum. . flagella. plural form of
Flagella Definition: A whiplike motility appendage present on the surface cells.
Flagella are organelles defined by function rather than structure. There are large
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Mar 6, 2011 . Definition . Explain the ultrastructure that cilia and flagellum have in common .
Please try one of the following online Encyclopedias. These will definitely help
Definition of flagella in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of flagella. What
Definition of additional flagellar genes in Escherichia coli K12. Komeda Y,
Top questions and answers about Flagella Definition. Find 3 questions and
flagellated. Also found in: Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, Hutchinson,
Definition of flagella in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of flagella. Pronunciation
Choanocytes use these filaments, called flagella, to paddle water past
Other organelles are also suggested to have endosymbiotic origins, (notably the
Definition of Flagella with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and
Definition and other additional information on Flagella from Biology-Online.org
Definition of flagella in the Medical Dictionary. flagella explanation. Information
Definition of FLAGELLUM. : a long tapering process that projects singly or in
Also found in: Dictionary/thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia, Hutchinson, 0.01 sec.
“We can't say if the Designer of flagella is the same as the Designer of the eyeball
Dec 4, 2011 . Science - What is the definition of cilia and flagella?www.enotes.com/science/q. /what-definition-cilia-flagella-299509 - Cached - SimilarFlagellar - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Websterfla·gel·lar. adj \flə-ˈjel-ər, ˈflaj-ə-lər\. Definition of FLAGELLAR. : of or relating to
Define flagellum. What is flagellum? flagellum meaning, synonyms and audio
flagellum definition: Plural flagella flagella A slender whiplike part extending from
Bacterial flagella (definition) are whip-like organelles that bacteria use to swim
Definition and other additional information on Flagellated from Biology-Online.
Definition of flagellum (flagella) in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of
Cilia definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, .
/-ˈdʒɛlə/ Show Spelled[-jel-uh] Show IPA, fla·gel·lums. 1. Biology. a long,
Expressions, Domain, Definition. Flagellum (pl. flagella) · Geology, A whip-like
flagellum n. , pl. , -gella . Biology . A long, threadlike appendage, especially a
Flagella definition, definition of flagella, Anagrams of flagella, words that start with
Definition of flagellum : . flagellum. PRIMARY MEANINGS OF: flagellum. 1. n. a