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Mar 19, 2012 . The fact that the stock is now selling for less than others in its industry in relation
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Oct 12, 2011 . The analyst maintained his buy rating on First BanCorp's stock. On October 7,
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Jan 24, 2012 . First Bancorp, Inc (ME) FNLC . The overall rating is a weighted average of the
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Mar 15, 2012 . FBNC, First Bancorp Nc - Stock quote performance, technical chart analysis,
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Feb 3, 2012 . Highlights from the ratings report include: FIRST BANCORP P R reported
Jun 22, 2011 . Today, I want to look at one in particular, First Bancorp, Inc. (FNLC). . FNLC's
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3 days ago . First BanCorp Of Puerto Rico Expected To Price Stock Offering. 11/12/2010 by .
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