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Get Small Homes: Design Ideas for Great American Houses by Fine
Oct 28, 1999 . Available in: Paperback. Although energy costs are near an all-time low, modern
Dec 10, 2010 . You may be surprised at the tool Chuck Miller uses to make sure his concrete
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Distinctive and Innovative Small Homes from Across the Country.
Sep 19, 2011 . The Fine Homebuilding article, “Form Follows Function,” focuses on the home's
Oct. 2004 issue of "Natural Home" magazine. And it was subsequently featured in
Fine Home Building Page 144 . A small home well crafted to last for centuries
Our books discuss the environmental benefits of smaller homes and give a .
Small houses are less expensive to build, more energy efficient, and easier to
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The envelope is efficient enough that even in this cold climate, only a small gas
Results 1 - 15 of 33 . The best selection of how-to articles, videos, and tips on Small Homes from the
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May 9, 2011 . Gallery of small owner-built and owner-managed homes. . This home also has
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CJC Fine Home Building is a custom, green builder of new homes, remodels and
Fine Homebuilding Features Chandler Design-Build . . My company specializes
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Fine Homebuilding Kitchens & Baths, November, 2010, p. 72-73 "Small Additions
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Title: Small Homes-Great Ideas for Great American Houses Collection of articles
Featured in Fine Homebuilding's 2010 "HOUSES" issue, no. . of Fine
Jan 21, 2011 . Fine Homebuilding Article on heating a small home covering the options in a
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Nov 30, 2009 . 5 Small Home Ideas Fine Homebuilding. Fine Homebuilding focuses mainly on
Buy House & Home Books from top rated stores. Comparison shopping for the
Fine Homebuilding Magazine article on a demonstration home built in Manitoba
May 13, 2011 . In a society where the size of one's home is often the most tangible symbol of
Results 1 - 15 of 25 . Fine Homebuilding - The most trusted building information online. Login | Create
Fresh alternatives to McMansions. With the growing trend toward smaller, more
As you'll read in this collection of articles from Fine Homebuilding, a smaller
Fine Homebuilding - The most trusted building information online. Login | Create
Oct. 2004 issue of "Natural Home" magazine. And it was subsequently featured in
seem like small potatoes when compared to the. 2 million that . www.
Design bookmark #9122 : The 550sf Big-Little House in a Berkley, CA backyard
18 copies . Alibris has Small Homes: Design Ideas for Great American Houses and other
Staying Put. Remodel your house to get the home you want. . A2011 Fine
Author: Fine Homebuilding (Editor) and Fine Homebuilding Magazine (Editor),
Since 1981, the pages of" Fine Homebuilding" have inspired and instructed
Dec 31, 2009 . Go to the Fine Homebuilding website to view these videos. . The small home
PromiseAngels: Small homes are of particular interest to American homeowners
The title of the article aptly describes a selection of our small house plans. . "A
Results 1 - 15 of 25 . Fine Homebuilding - The most trusted building information online . . The Small