May 20, 12
Other articles:
  • Matlab is the dominate programming language for implementing nu- merical
  • String Command. - “strcmp and findstr”. MATLAB has a set of string manipulation
  • I have used findstr in command prompt with the /v option to print all of the rows
  • 0018 (length(findstr(fname,'.img')>0)) | . . $FSLDIR/etc/matlab/convertTOniftipair
  • Searches for patterns of text in files using regular expressions. Syntax. findstr [/b] [
  • Apr 18, 2012 . 5. Open %DSPACE_ROOT%\Matlab\Tl\tools\get_host_compiler.m and make a
  • Hi alls, I'm analyzing a matlab script and I encountered the "findstr" command!
  • Update: Matlab 6 and above includes the SCATTER function, which does the job
  • Apr 14, 2012. version="5.0-subset Scilab" xml:id="m2sci_findstr"> <refnamediv> <refname>
  • Mar 13, 2012 . MATLAB Central > MATLAB Newsreader > findcellstr . The findcellstr works as
  • V(ind)= []; or, ind = findstr(V,' ');. V(ind)= [];. Every MATLAB programmer has his or
  • Apr 19, 2010 . I've been trying to find a way to search for a name in a text file. Also lets say the
  • May 18, 2011 . MATLAB Central > MATLAB Newsreader > findstr: jolly character? . in findstr
  • Oct 5, 2011 . Particular cases. There is no equivalent for findstr in Scilab, but an emulation
  • Apr 19, 2010 . I've been trying to find a way to search for a name in a text file. Also lets say the
  • Aug 25, 2011 . What I have now works fine but because findstr seems to be on the chopping
  • May 18, 2011 . For example B=[abcdefg]; C=[a_cdefg]; supposing * is the jolly character: findstr(
  • This page shows search word findstr matlab scilab in Organic Results. You can
  • Jul 27, 2009 . Matlab: handling nan for findstr. In many situations handling NaNs can be tricky if
  • This MATLAB function searches the longer of the two input strings for any
  • File exchange, MATLAB Answers, newsgroup access, Links, and Blogs for the .
  • The matlab function 'char( )' is also used to create multiple row string arrays from
  • Oct 5, 2011 . Description. There is no Scilab equivalent for Matlab findstr . The function
  • MATLAB >> findstr but not case sensitive. by Anis » Wed, 08 Dec 2004 22:42:33
  • MATLAB Quick Reference Author: Jialong He Jialong_he . home Move cursor to
  • Jan 22, 2003 . Hi, Using strfind, the order of inputs is important: > A='dady and mamy'; >> strfind('
  • Find one string within another. C++ Prototype. mwArray findstr(const mwArray
  • Aug 5, 2011 . Accepted Answer from Oleg Komarov. Hi. I have the following: test = '''any word'''.
  • Note: For compatibility with MATLAB, Octave's strcmp function returns 1 if the .
  • In what follows, any line beginning with >> indicates typed input to MATLAB. You
  • File exchange, MATLAB Answers, newsgroup access, Links, and Blogs for the .
  • texinfo -*- %% @deftypefn {Function File} {} findstr (@var{s}, @var{t}, . Author:
  • We can use the findstr command to perform the search. i = findstr(word1 . Write
  • Transition to MATLAB. String functions. A complete reference of all of MATLAB's
  • The function findstr receives two strings as input arguments. . The order of the
  • May 1, 2008 . Matlab question: Findstr, created at:Thu, 01 May 2008 18:
  • Find one string within another. Syntax. k = findstr( str1 , str2 ). Description. k =
  • MATLAB >> Findstr. by Lakshmi » Thu, 17 Jan 2008 00:11:02 GMT. Hi all, I want
  • Jul 9, 2009 . This is a typical error that you get when you want to compare two strings for
  • “strcmp and findstr” MATLAB has a set of string manipulation functions, namely,
  • File exchange, MATLAB Answers, newsgroup access, Links, and Blogs for the .
  • Hi alls, I'm analyzing a matlab script and I encountered the "findstr" command!
  • Changed strfind->findstr (Matlab <6.1). handle directory. Files: . - CachedChangeset 609 for trunk/lib/tools/matlab/mcplot.m – McCodeChanged strfind->findstr (Matlab <6.1). handle directory. Files: . /609?. trunk%2Flib%2Ftools%2Fmatlab%2Fmcplot. - Cachedfindstr.m - addi - Matlab / Octave clone for Android - Google Project . Apr 15, 2012 . Logo · addi · Matlab / Octave clone for Android . @deftypefn {Function File} {}
  • Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.matlab . in findstr does it exist a way for introducing
  • May 1, 2000 . If you know how to use FINDSTR for cellstrings, pls let me know, otherwise pls
  • Post by Lakshmi » Fri, 18 Jan 2008 01:11:02 GMT. Hi all, I want to find two strings
  • Mar 22, 2005 . I have matlab 7.0.1 and many times I run a program, I get the following message
  • If "strcmp" returns 1, then the string are identical otherwise they are not. In the

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