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fieri facias. Quick definition. noun. a writ ordering a levy on the belongings of a .
Origin of the word Fieri Facias. writ concerning a sum awarded in judgment (often
FIERI FACIAS: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation,
fee-air-ee fay-shee-es) Latin for "that you cause to be done." This is a court
fi·er·i fa·ci·as (f -r f sh - s, f sh s). n. Law. A writ of execution authorizing a sheriff to
May 12, 2011 . Definition from , the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation, search . Derived terms.
writ of fieri facias. A writ ordering an officer to take and sell property belonging to
Local Fascia Estimates. Enter Zip To Get 3 Bids In Seconds www.
fiery: meaning and definitions - fiery: Definition and Pronunciation; fiery cross:
Fieri facias - Definition of Fieri facias is presented by 1913 online Webster's
A fieri facias, usually abbreviated fi. fa. (Latin, that you cause to be made) is a writ
Fieri facias definition: Latin for that you cause to be done. This is a court
Fieri facias - Topic:Law - Online Encyclopedia - What is what? Everything you
Source: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=
Fieri facias \Fi"e*ri fa"ci*as\ [L., cause it to be done.] (Law) A judicial writ that lies
fieri facias n. . This writ was once so common that fieri facias became a slang
writ of fieri facias noun - definition, audio pronunciation and more for writ of fieri
Fieri facias explanation. Definition of Fieri facias is provided by 1913 Webster's
Fieri Facias Definition : definition of global village - arthroplasty definition -
Definition of fieri facias in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of fieri facias.
Law A writ of execution authorizing a sheriff to lay a claim to and seize the goods
fieri facias /ˌfʌɪərʌɪˈfeɪʃɪas/. ▶noun Law a writ to a sheriff for executing a
A writ of FI FA (writ of fieri facias) is a document that is issued by your local county
fieri facias - Latin for "that you cause to be done." This is a court document
(fīˌə-rē fāˈshē-əs, fāˈshəs). noun. Law. A writ of execution authorizing a sheriff
A writ ordering a levy on the belongings of a debtor to satisfy the .
FIERI FACIAS. The name of a writ of execution. It is so called because, when
Definitions from The Online Plain Text English Dictionary: Fieri facias; () A
Fieri facias is a Latin term that refers to a writ of execution directing a sheriff to
The legal definition of Fieri Facias is Latin: that you cause to be made. Mostly
Fieri facias n. (Law) A judicial writ that lies for one who has recovered in debt or
fieri facias definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'facia','
Oct 13, 2010 . Definitions. Fieri Facias -- A writ commanding the sheriff to levy and sell as much
[Latin, Cause (it) to be done.] The name of a writ of execution that directs a sheriff
Search for a definition or browse our legal glossaries. fieri facias. fieri facias [fī-ə-
Definition Edit. A writ of fieri facias, usually abbreviated fi. fa. (Latin for "that you
Definition of Fieri facias. [] - A judicial writ that lies for one who has
Definition of fieri facias in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of fieri facias.
Kids.Net.Au - Dictionary > Definition: fieri facias. . Search the meaning/definition
Fieri facias is a Latin term that refers to a writ of execution directing a sheriff to
Definition of Fieri facias in dictionary by GoalEver. means A judicial writ that
Fieri facias de bonis testatoris is a writ of execution issued on an ordinary
Fieri Facias meaning , Definition of fieri facias , meaning of fieri facias , Fieri
Definition of Fieri facias with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage,
Try searching the web for How Do You File a Fieri Facias. Answers to Common
fi·er·i fa·ci·as audio (f -r f sh - s, f sh s) KEY NOUN: Law. A writ of execution
Nov 10, 1999 . Paul and everyone: To start, the definition for fieri facias (and it's a long one but a
fieri facias. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation,
Found on http://thinkexist.com/dictionary/meaning; Fieri Facias The name of a writ