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A full firearms retailer in Houston, TX specializing in shooting supplies &
Jul 3, 2007 . FFL's post your location, contact information and transfer fees . Member: Posts:
http://glocktalk.com/forums/member.php?u=16388. I got some negative feedback
As one of the least expensive FFL service providers in the Houston area, we
Sep 23, 2009 . Houston FFL Advice, New Topic · Reply to Topic . I've asked both what their
List of FFL dealers and shooting ranges in Houston, Texas (TX). Address, phone
875 Wakefield Houston, TX 77018 (713) 694-4867 We are now a Class III Dealer
Lets list our prefered FFL dealers for transfers. List by state, region or city. To Start
If you are in Houston, and doing an FFL transfer, avoid AMSS-USA. They charge
Can anyone give me a lead on who has the lowest charge for a FFL transfer in
FFL transfer in West Houston - AR15.Com Archive - AR15.COM.
Apr 16, 2009 . FFL transfer in Houston, ONLY $10!!!!! Smart Shopper.
Best Shot Range appeared on Fox 26 Houston!!! Kristin . Located half-way
Aug 25, 2010 . Best FFL Transfer in Houston, TX. 10RingMistress [Member]. 8/26/2010 8:49:33
Texas these dealers have their FFL on file with us .
Are there any recommendations for an FFL to do a transfer (I'm doing a buy)? I've
Aug 2, 2011 . Location: Houston, TX . . The problem is he is a gun dealer and holds an FFL. .
Houston FFL Transfers for only $25 per firearm. Defensive & Concealed Guns
So basically: where do you do your FFL transfers in Houston? . $30 transfer fee
. (Form 7CR) — Application for License ( FFL ) Collector of Curios and Relics .
Mar 25, 2008 . i am looking to buy a Sig 226 from Bud's online. has anyone in Houston gone
FFL for transfer in SW houston? - AR15.Com Archive - AK47.NET.
Gary's Gun Services is a licensed gun transfer agent in Houston, Texas. . MUST
Cool, I appreciate it. I just wished I had bought one several years ago when they
Looking for FFL in NW Houston/Cypress Area. Post by dicion » Tue Aug 24, 2010
Apr 26, 2009 . FFL transfer west Houston/ Katy. Gun, shooting and equipment discussions
May 11, 2011 . I had a firearm I ordered online shipped to these guys for FFL purposes. The FFL
#2943362 - 01/19/12 08:33 AM FFL Transfers in Houston. THEBBC Offline .
quality merchandise, and the best prices in the Houston area. We are located at
Houston Firearm Transfers - Houston's home for affordable $17.50 FFL transfers.
Looking for an FFL holder near Houston to do transfers for a Texas CHL holder
Feb 18, 2011 . Re: FFL West Houston. Post by Lumberjack98 » Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:44 am. I
May 29, 2010 . [Archive] TX FFL list South Central. . Copperfield/Hwy 6/290 area Houston $20
Arlington Gun Academy is a FFL with an online gun store with over 5000
Since I'd never went through an FFL transfer before, I asked the only . . on a
Is there anything I should be on the lookout for when choosing a transfer dealer?
NW Houston FFL Transfer? Texas Members. . 2004 GTO 408ci F-1R Procharger
My FFL is retiring and I need to find a good (reasonably priced) FFL for transfers.
The FFL Holder Network is designed to make it easier for a buyer to get in touch
Those loveable lugs of the North Woods at Maine Military have a load of G3
Are there any places in the area south of Houston that charge less than $20 for a
Mar 4, 2011 . For the FFL transfer, I use Martini Hardware. He charges $20 and is easy to deal
are you an FFL in Houston who can accept transfer? can someone tell me who
How to Purchase or transfer a Firearm from Spectre Firearms in Houston, Texas
. Inc - FFL Transfer gun models firearm permit bluebook gun firearm price
FFL dealers marked as "On File" are dealers that we have worked with in the past
Mar 19, 2012 . As such does anyone have recommendation for someone to do a FFL transfer? .
Just like the title says. Im looking for a place on the west side of town (houston) to
I am Planning on starting a rifle build soon and find myself in need of a good
Need to get a gun shipped from Buds Guns to here. Not looking to pay the anal