Other articles:
other FCPA and related developments; and (v) a summary of each DOJ Review
Jul 15, 2011 . First DOJ FCPA Opinion Procedure Release in 2010. Financial Reform Bill
Department of Justice Opinion Procedure Releases. Foreign Corrupt Practices
An issuer or domestic concern may seek an official government opinion as to the
Dec 1, 2011 . One provision of S. 430 would have required the DOJ to issue binding opinions
Nov 18, 2011 . The DOJ can't or won't render private advice or opinions about FCPA
FCPA due diligence. Accordingly, Halliburton requested a DOJ opinion to
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA); Lay-Person's Guide; Opinion Procedure
Sep 28, 2011 . In its first FCPA Opinion Procedure Release of 2011, the DOJ confirmed what
Enacted in 1977, the FCPA makes it a crime for U.S. companies to "bribe" (i.e.,
Jul 28, 2008 . Recent DOJ FCPA Opinions Provide Guidance on Preacquisition Due Diligence
Aug 1, 2011 . FCPA Advisory Opinion of 2011. In its first Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. (“FCPA”
In connection with any request for an FCPA Opinion, the Department of Justice
Nov 13, 2011 . A strange quirk in the FCPA law allows a company to request an opinion from the
Jul 28, 2010 . On July 16, 2010, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) issued its second Foreign
Jul 1, 2008 . On June 25, 2008, the US Department of Justice (“DoJ”) published its latest
DOJ OPINION RELEASES. Under the FCPA, the DOJ must, when asked in
Nov 1, 2011 . Most important, the DOJ is already used to this type of exercise. It is called the
FCPA Opinion Procedure. The 1988 Trade Act directed the Attorney General to
company'sproductswere added as a statutory defense to the FCPA in 1988 to
Sep 10, 2010 . 9/10/10 - DOJ Issues FCPA Opinion Release 10-03 re: Engaging Consultants.
See cases cited above and DOJ Opinion Release No. 94-01 (assuming that
Sep 8, 2010 . Perhaps reflecting the rapid pace of FCPA enforcement actions, the US
Jul 8, 2011 . In its first FCPA Opinion Procedure Release of 2011, the DOJ confirmed what
Jul 8, 2008 . The Justice Department has given compliance executives some fresh Foreign
The guidance is limited to responses to requests under the Department of
Jul 23, 2009 . FCPA compliance expert Thomas Fox lays out a series of best practices that . In
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FCPA, FCPA Enforcement, SEC .
Jan 27, 2011 . Thus, if one looks at unique enforcement actions (the best way to analyze FCPA
May 11, 2011 . Until recently, many FCPA practitioners had based decisions in the M&A context
Jul 22, 2008 . outlets under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (the “FCPA”). Under DOJ's
Opinion Procedure Releases. . Fraud Section Home · Foreign Corrupt Practices
Jul 11, 2011 . The Department of Justice released the latest Opinion Procedure Release on the
Exceptional Cooperation with Justice Dept., U.S. NEWSWIRE, Oct. 16, 2006. 63.
Oct 12, 2010 . The Department of Justice (DOJ) has issued two. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (
Aug 3, 2011 . In its first Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) Advisory Opinion of 2011, the
8 Gifts, Travel & Entertainment. 9 Wrong Way: Lucent. 9 Right Way: DOJ Opinion
Jul 15, 2011 . On June 30, 2011, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) released its first Foreign
In an FCPA Opinion Release issued in June 2008, the Department of Justice .
Sep 19, 2007 . Under the FCPA, DOJ has established a procedure for providing advisory
Jul 12, 2011 . On June 30th, the DOJ released (here) its first FCPA Opinion Procedure Release
Jun 17, 2011 . He stated that through the DOJ's Opinion Release Procedure and the availability
The Halliburton FCPA Opinion: U.S.. Department of Justice Guidance on. M&A
Dec 29, 2011 . Although the overall number of new FCPA enforcement actions fell . . DOJ
Sep 8, 2010 . The disclosed facts in FCPA Opinion Procedure Release No. 10-03 suggest a
Sep 1, 2010 . FCPA Watch: DOJ Issues Opinion Release 10-02 regarding Foreign Government
Dec 15, 2010 . The FCPA makes it illegal to bribe foreign officials. I could find no advisory
Nov 1, 2011 . It is called the FCPA Opinion Procedure Release a process the DOJ . The DOJ's
Counsel with a specialist FCPA practice have regularly looked to the DOJ
corporate counsel that DOJ intends to accelerate its FCPA enforcement activity