Other articles:
web.governmentcontractors.org/. /Guidelines_of_contractor_database_ established_printer.aspxCachedMar 23, 2010 . The FAPIIS database contains specific information on the federal contractors and
www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/. / ContractorsMustBegintoUpdateIntegrityDatabase.aspxCachedSimilarThe FAPIIS database will incorporate information from existing government
sheilakennedy.net/tag/canada/CachedJun 8, 2015 . An improved Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (
www.fiercegovernment.com/tags/fapiisCachedThe General Services Administration pushed back the planned completion date
www.governmentcontractslawblog.com/. /fapiis-the-new-integrity-database- for-government-contractors/CachedSimilarJun 14, 2010 . Under the new rule, the FAPIIS database will notify the contractor when the
www.pogo.org/. /20140305-fapiis-finally-gets-a-hill-hearing.htmlCachedSimilarMar 5, 2014 . Tomorrow, the public will finally get the lowdown on the government's FAPIIS
reporting.sunlightfoundation.com/. /new-govt-contractor-integrity-database- will-be-limits-public/CachedSimilarApr 5, 2010 . The FAPIIS database will track any administrative agreements that a vendor
www.globalregulatoryenforcementlawblog.com/. /fapiis-flap-is-transparency -advocates-hate-it-now-contractors-likely-to-hate-it-later/CachedJun 3, 2011 . Home Government Contracts & Grants FAPIIS Flap-is: Transparency . System (“
www.pepperlaw.com/resource/2375/11F3CachedPast Performance and FAPIIS - . . Monitor government past performance
www.law360.com/articles/. /contractors-brace-for-fallout-from-fapiisCachedSep 20, 2010 . No only do contractors need to make sure the information they report into the
www.foreffectivegov.org/. /OMBWatchCommentsFARCase2008- 027ContractorPerformanceDatabase.pdfCachedNov 6, 2009 . System (FAPIIS). 1. OMB Watch is a strong supporter of the new contractor
www.crowell.com/. /120120-Window-For-FAPIIS-Objections-Forces- Contractors-To-Hustle-Peter-Eyre-Law360.pdfCachedJan 20, 2012 . performance database, but the short time frame for doing so will . FAPIIS
www.natlawreview.com/. /fapiis-update-integrity-database-government- contractorsCachedMar 25, 2011 . We last discussed the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information
www.smithcurrie.com/commonsensecontractlaw,FAPIIS_More_Government _Red_TapeCachedMar 5, 2012 . Introduction. On March 23, 2010 the Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) was
thecgp.org/. /FAPIIS-Public-Access.-FAC-2005-49-FAR-Case-2010-016.pdfCachedMar 25, 2011 . recommend that in making FAPIIS open to the public, the process for doings so .
www.taftlaw.com/news/. /detail/753-update-on-the-fapiis-databaseCachedApr 11, 2011 . As previously reported, the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity
archive.federaltimes.com/. /Flap-over-FAPIIS-Site-meant-disclose-contractor -performance-8216-worst-ever-CachedMay 12, 2011 . "FAPIIS May Be the Worst Government Website We've Ever Seen," is the .
www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2010-03-23/pdf/2010-6329.pdfCachedSimilarMar 23, 2010 . collected in FAPIIS, (2) use of the database, (3) access to the database, (4)
www.409csb.army.mil/Library/COI/FAPIISUserManualFinal.pdfCachedSimilarNSLCDET PTSMH continuously enhances the FAPIIS AIS and the user manual
washingtontechnology.com/. /fapiis-to-go-public-in-april-2011.aspxCachedJan 24, 2011 . The FAPIIS database currently contains specific information on the federal
https://www.acquisition.gov/sites/default/. /Subpart%209_1.htmlCached(2) Because FAPIIS is a database that provides information about prime
www.holomuaconsulting.com/. /far-proposed-rule-fapiis-reporting-to- include-information-on-immediate-owners-subsidiaries-and-predece. CachedDec 8, 2014 . FAPIIS, which has been in existence since 2010, provides . requirement that "
federalconstruction.phslegal.com/. /legislation-grants-public-access-to-the- federal-awardee-performance-and-integrity-and-information-system. CachedAug 24, 2010 . The FAPIIS database contains a wide range of information about contractors' past
www.pogo.org/blog/2015/02/pogo-gets-a-peek-inside-FAPIIS.htmlCachedSimilarFeb 27, 2015 . FAPIIS went live in 2010, but details about the database's creation, operation,
https://www.federalregister.gov/. /federal-acquisition-regulation-public- access-to-the-federal-awardee-performance-and-integrityCachedSimilarJan 3, 2012 . One respondent stated that making public the data in FAPIIS will . .. the timely
www.midwestsblogroup.org/wp. /CPARS-SBLO-August-11.pptCachedsubsystem of the FAPIIS system. Federal Awardee Performance and. Integrity
www.truth-out.org/news/item/129CachedSimilarThe FAPIIS database tracks the integrity and performance of federal contractors
https://www.fapiis.gov/CachedSimilarSearch Instructions:Search by DUNS, CAGE, or by selecting a filter from the
www.publicintegrity.org/. /new-gov-t-contractor-integrity-database-will-be- limits-publicCachedApr 1, 2010 . Yet only a chosen few will get to use the new Federal Awardee Performance and
www.pogoarchives.org/. /pogo-public-comment-fed-reg-423339-20120917. pdfCachedSep 17, 2012 . Information System (FAPIIS) database. Specifically, OFPP is considering
www.hq.nasa.gov/office/procurement/regs/pic10-16.htmlCachedSimilarOct 15, 2010 . CCR feeds the FAPIIS database. At that time, the clause included the following
https://www.venable.com/. /FAPIIS_Goes_Public_8-10.pdfCached202.344.4434. FAPIIS Goes Public: Contractor Performance and Integrity
Members have also enacted or proposed legislation regarding the FAPIIS
www.cov.com/. / FAPIIS%20Final%20Rule%20on%20Public%20Access%20to%20C. CachedJan 18, 2012 . Information System (FAPIIS) database publicly available.1 This rule implemented
blogs.aronsonllc.com/. /final-fapiis-rule-adds-protection-for-contractors/CachedFeb 1, 2012 . Please see our previous blog posts (Government Creates “Bad Contractor”
www.ncmahq.org/. /PBAVC11-1.%20Trends,%20Regulations, %20and%20Legislation-Chvotkin,%20Alan.pdfCachedMar 31, 2011 . NCMA PBA COM VC 11 – 3.31.2011. 2. FAR FAPIIS DATABASE. • Final Rule
www.fedbar.org/Image-Library/Chapters/. /Gabig-PPT.pptx.aspxCachedSimilar“FAPIIS is designed to facilitate the Govt's ability to evaluate the business . The
www.hinckleyallen.com/content/. /Schaub_Aug_11_Cons%20Outlook.pdfAug 2, 2011 . The stated purpose of FAPIIS is to improve the. Government's ability . the FAPIIS
publiccontracting.blogspot.com/. /federal-contractor-performance-database. htmlCachedJan 5, 2011 . The Database (FAPIIS): In April of 2010, the "Federal Awardee Performance and
fedscoop.com/fapiis-officially-goes-liveThe government officially launched the Federal Awardee Performance and
www.troutmansanders.com/federal-government-contractors-information-in- fapiis-being-made-public-02-23-2011/CachedFeb 23, 2011 . The interim rule requires that information in the Federal Awardee Performance
www.csaassociates.com/. /C3G_Gov_Contractor_Performance_FY11.htmlCachedBeginning on April 22nd 2011, the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity
www.publiccontractinginstitute.com/afterthoughts-fapiis/CachedOct 2, 2012 . This is important because the FAPIIS database is public knowledge so anybody
www.rjo.com/updatesFAPIIS101.htmlCachedSimilarThe FAPIIS database includes data from the Past Performance Information
www.gibsondunn.com/. /WestRichardWhitehurst- FederalAwardeePerformance.pdfCachedSimilarFAPIIS database. FAPIIS was and has remained controversial, from its statutory
www.mckennalong.com/publications-advisories-2281.htmlCachedApr 1, 2010 . FAR 9.104-6 will require contracting officers to review the FAPIIS database prior
fundingattractions.blogs.thompson.com/. /what-the-heck-is-fapiis-anyway/CachedSimilarJan 11, 2012 . A short primer on FAPIIS and reaction from attorneys and other . from the
pogoblog.typepad.com/pogo/2011/04/fapiis-first-impressions-.htmlCachedSimilarApr 18, 2011 . By Neil Gordon Friday, April 15, 2011 marked the public debut of the
www.pillsburylaw.com/. /Federal_Awardee_Performance_and_Integrity_ Information_Systems_FAPIIS_Gov_Con_Series.pdfCachedSimilarJul 22, 2010 . 1 | FAPIIS. The New Responsibility Database. ▫ The FAR Councils on March 23,