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Take a look at just some of Hillside's investigations and see what really goes on
Explores the negative side of intensive animal agriculture.
Oct 24, 2011 . An unfettered demand provides technological, political, and scientific incentives
Jun 5, 2007 . Project clip based on the cruelty of factory farming, and the advantages of going
What are factory farms? Factory farms, also called industrial livestock operations
Factory farms, also known as CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations)
Photos and descriptions documenting the suffering of animals that agribusiness
A factory farm is a large-scale industrial operation that houses hundereds or
Factory farming is a term referring to the process of raising livestock in
Small farms have been replaced by factory farms that pollute nearby air and
Beyond Factory Farming has launched a new campaign website called Think Eat
Factory farming is the latest stop in the evolution of agriculture. What does it bode
Nov 3, 2011 . There may be deep philosophical differences between vegans, vegetarians and
Nov 10, 2011 . In these two news items—one a push to crack down on the abuses of factory
Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuaryis a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located
Life on "Old MacDonald's Farm" isn't what it used to be. The green pastures and
End Factory Farming. Home · What is Factory Farming? . End Factory Farming.
Oct 27, 2011 . Over thirty experts from the public health, environmental, and animal welfare
Apr 26, 2011 . Bills in three states would criminalize undercover investigations at factory farms.
Feb 22, 2010 . In this disturbing extract from Eating Animals, the novelist reveals the unpalatable
Did you know that factory farms could be a danger to human health? It's nothing
"A recent study by the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production
Jul 20, 2007 . A Food & Water Watch report covers industrial animal production and the
Oct 19, 2011 . There is common ground to be found by everyone ranging from vegans to die-
Intensive farming, also referred to as industrial animal agriculture or factory
A majority of the animals that are raised for food live miserable lives in intensive
Facts about animals in modern farms. What are their conditions in modern factory
Environmental Impacts of Factory Farming · Environmental Impacts . Like swine
Your source for great-tasting vegan and vegetarian recipes, information on all
Attacks the meat industry and mass production of livestock, where humane
Dec 29, 2006 . This was a video I made for my Government class showing the living conditions
Oct 13, 2011 . The spread of disease from factory farming is exacerbated when waste products,
facts and statistics relating to factory farm issues, animal welfare, economics,
Many scientists suspect fowl play—the 600 million factory farm chickens raised .
News about factory farming. Commentary and archival information about factory
Farm animal protection. Information on the horrors of factory farming. HFA also
The official website for the HBO Documentary Film Death on a Factory Farm,
A medium factory farm (CAFO) has between 300-999 cattle other than dairy (200-
Take an interactive tour through a factory farm and its surrounding area. Learn
Jan 13, 2011 . Runoff of chicken and hog waste from factory farms in Maryland and North
In Animal Factory, bestselling investigative journalist David Kirby exposes the
Factory farming threatens animal welfare, human health and the environment.
Factory farming is the modern practice of raising animals for food in extreme
Factory Farming. Egg Recall: FDA's Inspection Affirms HSUS Investigation ·
Factory farms pose many risks to the environment, public health, and animals.
Jan 12, 2007 . Most U.S. meat, poultry, eggs and milk come from so-called factory farms or
It has also, however, led to the emergence of "organic" factory farm imposters
Sustainable Table Issues. Learn more about Factory Farming.
+ Factory Farming: Cruelty to Animals. + Cows Used for Food. + The Hidden
Apr 23, 2010 . Animal Factory author David Kirby talks to TIME about the perils of large-scale