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Copy and paste the below to a new facebook note: 1. Is it cute when guys kiss
Guy Survey - Surveys for facebook notes. Share our awesome random surveys
. Things to do in a elevator. . . 1) When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you. .
This quiz is going to be you telling all what you want in a guy and me telling .
Facebook Surveys for notes. Share our awesome facebooks notes surveys with
1 New Facebook Survey! Go take the 100 Truths Facebook Note Survey. Nov. .
Apr 18, 2008 . The notes from my friends on facebook. . This dynamic helps explain why
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Post it on your facebook profile and they can see what you think of them. Copy
Fun Quiz Notes .comQuiz & Survey Notes For Facebook. Home; |; Contact Us .
I love Facebook because it's the perfect medium for flirting and making boys .
Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers
What are some fun Facebook notes that are not sexual/dating related that guys
Copy and paste the below to a new facebook note: 1. Is it cute when guys kiss
Black GuysNotes. Like. Community. Want to like or comment on this page? To
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From the guys at Mashable.com. Until now, Facebook Notes has only supported
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Answer each question by writing your answer next to it. Once you've finished
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Fun Quiz Notes .comQuiz & Survey Notes For Facebook. Home; |; Contact Us; |;
Perfect Guy Survey, Perfect Guy Bulletin Survey, Perfect Guy Facebook Note,
Oct 7, 2010 . 2. Talking politics: The guy who mistakes the Facebook Notes application for a
Fun 50 Facebook Survey - Facebook surveys for facebook notes, NoteSurveys.
Dec 21, 2009 . Pathetic: Burglar Stops To Check Facebook On Victim's Computer, Forgets To . ..
To add this quiz/note to your facebook or myspace profile, copy and paste the text
To add this quiz/note to your facebook or myspace profile, copy and paste the .
02 You would kiss someone for $10: 03 You're addicted to facebook: 04 You're
December 10: Added some festive holiday Facebook Notes Surveys. Go ahead
Sep 1, 2009 . Face Book Notes wrote a note titled 30 Things Girls Should Know About Guys.
Aug 1, 2007 . Hello guys,. The sticky notes on facebook looks like not to work properly since
Funny Facebook status updates that will get comments. . more friend requests
105. In a guy. Favorite Hair Color? Any but preferably dark. Do you Like Long Or
All the most popular and interesting facebook note surveys/quizzes around, all in
To add this quiz/note to your facebook or myspace profile, copy and paste the text
How are you guys indexing facebook notes fast? ( I mean 1-2 hours ) Any tips
Feb 5, 2009 . My brother recently did one of those Facebook notes where you do random facts
Facebook Notes – My A – to – Z Share. June 3rd, 2007 Posted in Facebook
Looks like you can take Amazon products and create "notes" in Facebook and
NOTE & LETTER MAKERS. FLASH TOYS & . Quotes and Sayings App for
Sep 17, 2009 . Face Book Notes wrote a note titled 95 Questions To Try - added by Indiana. .
My method was to write some quality notes on my facebook page and bought
Copy and paste the below to a new facebook note: Got a boyfriend?: Had a boy
To Copy and Paste: CTRL + A / CTRL + C / Facebook.com -> New Note / CTRL +
Best Buy America's Facebook Notes. Last Build Date: Thu, 08 Dec 2011 18:32:21
Find out which of your celeb favorites made our list of 25 hottest celeb guys at . (
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This facebook survey note is for the girls! In this facebook note quiz you have to
Title: Best diamond magnetic earrings for guys for sale's Facebook Notes,