Other articles:
Jul 26, 2011 . Adds an emoticon bar to Facebook chat. . v0.0.132 - 27th January 2011; Fixed
Facebook Robot Emoticon. Facebook Chat Robot Emoticon, Facebook Chat
A list of Facebook Emotions icons and codes, Smileys and Emoticons. Facebook
Facebook Emoticons Robot. How to make a robot on Facebook chat? It is
facebook chat emoticons robot. Facebook chat robot emoticon – :|] Do they robot!
facebook chat emoticon chris putnam, :putnam: Putnam (Chris Putnam)
A lot of people come to this site looking for how to do the robot emoticon on
Robot. Here is the cool new robot smiley from Facebook chat. This may the
Dec 26, 2008 . facebook chat emoticon chris putnam, :putnam: Putnam (Chris Putnam)
While playing with Facebook Chat I wondered if it supported emoticons. . upset:
How to make a robot in Facebook Chat: What Are Emoticons? You can also
Use these emoticons on Facebook and share them now with your Facebook
Facebook emoticon smilie emote for a love heart! Love emote: <3. Facebook chat
If you want to use smileys or emoticons in your facebook chat, the easiest way
Here are list of emotions for robot emoticon, Putnam emoticon,Facebook kiss
Facebook emoticons are increasingly getting popular among the Gen X and Y.
Oct 6, 2009 . Facebook chat robot emoticon – :|] Do they robot! Show everyone you haven't
Dec 3, 2009. gadget Chit Chat allows you to insert Facebook emoticons without knowing the
Feb 26, 2010 . Facebook Robot smiley can be used in chat by writing the shortcut: :|]. . February
facebook chat emoticon penguin, <("). facebook chat emoticon chris putnam, :
Facebook Happy Smiley Face, Facebook Frown Emoticon, FB sticking tongue .
facebook-chat-emoticons-robot. Facebook chat robot emoticon – :|] The coolest
Here you can find the full list of facebook emoticons codes for you to use in your
Voted one of the top five coolest smilies for Facebook chat, the robot is a hark
facebook chat emoticon chris putnam, :putnam: Putnam (Chris Putnam)
It should be to the left of the Z key on your keyboard (Hold down Shift button when pressing it)
Oct 30, 2011 . Robot If you love to see your friends in green then you can't help being a fan of
Apr 23, 2008 . Facebook chat emote for robot! Robot: :|]. Facebook chat emote for weird guy\'s
facebook chat emoticon chris putnam, :putnam: Putnam (Chris Putnam)
Site with Facebook smileys, you will find newest smileys here. We also . robot, :|]
Oct 16, 2011 . facebook weird guy's face emoticon a.k.a facebook chris putnam emoticon :
Source: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/
Jun 17, 2010 . Show your displeasure with this Face book chat sad emoticon. facebook chat
Jan 6, 2011 . VV CLICK ON SHOW MORE VV my friend didnt know how to make all of these so
Obviously this is cool enough for me, Robot Emoticon, to have my own page on
List of Facebook Emoticons Code for FREE. Use it when chatting in Facebook
Really happy emote: :D or :-D Facebook emoticon smilie emote for wink! .
Nov 26, 2009 . Facebook chat robot emoticon – :|] if you've just been dumped, and you want to
Download hundreds of new Facebook emoticons for use in both chat and
Mar 28, 2009 . Facebook heart emotion <3. Facebook heart; Facebook Pac Man emotion :v.
What r all the smiley faces on facebook chat? . Devil 3:) Angel O:) Kiss :* Love <
While most of the emoticons are traditional or classic ones, Facebook has also
Jul 30, 2011 . download file here http://uploadfix.com/Mrbamabelle0203/emoticons ok so if you
Sign Up-FACEBOOK CHAT EMOTICONS- is on FacebookSign up for Facebook
Jan 18, 2009 . You can use The Symbols aka Shortcut of Emoticons of Facebook chat below.
Jun 17, 2011 . One of the emoticons which can be inserted into chat is Facebook Robot
Not every FB emoticon is going to be a smiley face. In fact they have gotten even
Facebook chat emoticons (shark, robot, peguin, smilly face, angel). Order:
A lot of people come to this site looking for how to do the robot emoticon on
Tagged with chat, Chat Smilies, Copy And Paste, Copy Paste, emote, Emoticon,