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Gets the state of the auto-exposure lock. boolean, getAutoWhiteBalanceLock().
Jul 5, 2009 . Exposure lock is a fast and convenient way to take control of digital camera's
exposure lock, recomposing why!?! General Photography Talk.photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=396711 - Cached - SimilarNikon D5100 and manual controls (ISO, F-stop, shutter speed . However, it seems you should be able to put the camera in M mode, choose the
GH2 Exposure lock? fatpig July 2011. Hello, I was wondering, if there is any way
Using Exposure Lock in Your Photography - What is it? The exposure lock button
Apr 7, 2011 . The auto exposure lock (AE-L) function on a D-SLR camera lets you physically
This is my first post in this forum, although I have visited often and found much
2 days ago . I believe you can assign AEL to a button on the 5N. I remember doing it! Check
Jan 19, 2012 . Hicksville High School is on lock down Thursday afternoon after mercury was
Using Exposure Lock - When and Why Would I Use Exposure Lock with my Fuji
Marked with an asterisk (*) symbol, the AE Lock button simply holds the exposure
Sep 20, 2011 . You may not change your metering mode or focus drive the way you change your
Exposurelock Ltd - online specialist equipment supplier - dealing in second hand
However, there is a better way: the use of auto exposure lock, or AE Lock for
Exposure Lock top. The 7D locks the exposure by default as you half-press the
May 2, 2011 . Auto Exposure Lock (sometimes called AEL) is a feature on all Canon EOS
How to Lock Exposure on the Canon S90/S95. September 5, 2010. I've been
Apr 27, 2012 . You probably know that tapping once on the screen within the Camera app will
The AE-L / AF-L button stands for “AutoExposure-Lock and AutoFocus-Lock” and
Sep 9, 2008 . D90 movie exposure lock: Menu / Custom Settings/ Controls / AE-L/AF-L for MB-
LC-25 Extreme Chemical Exposure Lock Coat. VersaFlex LC-25 Lock Coat is a
To avoid gain you use Tv mode, set you shutter, aim your camera at a bright light
Feb 7, 2012 . If I lock what I think is the focus, it also locks the exposure. White balance .
Spot metering is even more practicable when we combine it with the exposure
Flash: Flash exposure lock and compensation. Exposure for flash photography
OK so I lock the exposure, but now I had to re-focus on the model's face. The 5D
A discussion in the Tamron AF 70-200mm f/2.8 Di LD IF Macro Lens with Built in
Here's a way to keep the exposure locked (meter reading for shutter speed) in Av
Dec 19, 2010 . Evaluating and experimenting with Canon 580 EX II flash. Flash metering and
May 25, 2004 . The exposure lock works pretty much the way it sounds: When activated, it locks
Jan 8, 2012 . What I don't get is Exposure, especially the Exposure Lock. . And secondly, the
Exposure Lock Adjustments for Video and Photos. Tips to Create Video. Mobile
Mar 13, 2012 . iOS: One of the best complete camera packages on the iPhone, Camera+
Through the Custom Functions menu, the behavior of the AE / FE lock button can
Nov 15, 2002 . AE-L is the abbreviation for auto exposure lock. This function locks the camera
I have read so many things online to help me understand it but it is still not
In evaluative metering when I focus on a subject and press the shutter half way
Jun 6, 2010 . I spent few hours and days to understand and implement Auto Exposure Lock
Acronym Finder: AE-L stands for Auto Exposure Lock (photography). This
Jul 7, 2011 . Auto exposure lock gives you control over what to expose for. There are . Here's
A beginner's guide to a digital camera's 'exposure lock' button. Complete with
Why don't the D5100 or D3100 let you adjust exposure compensation after hitting
Auto Exposure Lock (M-REC Mode Only). Sometimes we may want to take a
Hello Everyone I am attempting to photograph some object outside. My setup is
Mar 13, 2012 . Camera+ has received a significant update that includes the ability to lock focus