May 6, 12
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  • The function f(x)=3x is an exponential function; the variable is the exponent.
  • None of our rules will work on these functions and yet some of these . . Therefore
  • 18. Derivative of exponential function. In this section, we get a rule for finding the
  • Math for Morons Like Us - Algebra II: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. .
  • Exponential Form: y = c*a^x. Plug in the point (0,1) 1 = c*a^0 1 = c*1 c = 1.
  • An exponential function is of the form , where >0, ≠1, and x is any real number.
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  • Before we can study the exponential functions, we need to review the rules of
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  • 4.3 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions . use the chain rule.
  • Before we review exponential and logarithmic functions, let's review the definition
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  • 65), are the rules governing the combination of exponents (powers). The laws .
  • In mathematics, the exponential function is the function ex, where e is the number
  • Since ex is only a special case of an exponential function, it is also true that ex ey
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  • The exponential function is used to model phenomena when a constant change
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  • We present a new proof of the differentiability of exponential functions. . and that
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  • Perhaps the e really stands for easy.?! Here's the official rule: The Derivative of
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  • Let's consider the derivative of the exponential function. Going back to our limit
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  • The main rules used in manipulating exponential functions are: The natural
  • So far, the exponential functions we've created have used recursive rules: Each

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