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93 contains the following revisions to Explorer's FERC Tariff No. 85,. Supplement
Asset Map · Analytical Services · Liquid Pipeline Tariffs; Online Services . ..
Explorer charges market-based rates for all its tariffs. Wolverine Pipe Line. We
Using our apps, you can analyze firm pipeline capacity contracts on a .
Oct 26, 2010 . The tariff sheets proposed an effective date of March 3, 2006. The Commission
Transmittal Letter 248. Pending Tariff: Current Marathon Pipeline LLC Joint Tariff:
Jun 25, 2007 . Pipeline transportation capacity constraints and pipeline tariff rates can . .
Pipeline Safety Brochures . Tariffs. Our tariffs are grouped into geographical
Jan 13, 2012 . ORDER ACCEPTING AND SUSPENDING TARIFF AND . .. [5] Dow cites, e.g.,
Feb 19, 2010 . Sunoco Pipeline L.P.. Enterprise TE Products Pipeline Company, LLC Explorer
Dec 9, 2005 . FERC Tariff No. 72. Ladies and Gentlemen: 1. On November 10, 2005, Explorer
Mar 1, 2011 . Wolverine Pipe Line Company and Sunoco Pipeline LP are pleased to . on
Explorer charges market-based rates for all its tariffs. Explorer Pipeline. STYLE="
Feb 24, 2011 . Abstract: The ratings on Explorer Pipeline Co. reflect its strong business . The
All pipeline tariffs will be updated to list “CCX” as location. No more Hammond or
and from the Gulf Coast to the Midwest via Explorer Pipeline (1400 miles) and . ..
Chevron Pipe Line Company transports crude oil, refined petroleum products, .
Connections with other pipeline systems allow us to transport products from other
Tariffs. Product Specifications. Government/Regulatory. Industry Associations .
Tariff Numbering Sheet for Explorer Pipeline Company, inception to date, IS09-.
On Behalf of. Explorer Pipeline Company and Praxair, Inc. November 24, 2004.
Affiliate Names & Addresses; Affiliate Tariff Waivers. Adjustments to Prior Gas
Buckeye, in conjunction with Colonial Pipeline, Explorer Pipeline and TE . . not
Our lawyers also have represented oil pipelines in establishing new tariffs and
Carrier's customers will always have access to the most up to date pipeline . to
Portland Pipe Line may revise or modify these terms and conditions of use at any
Explorer Pipeline Company company research & investing information. Find
Search Explorer Pipeline jobs and related careers at SOCcentral Jobs. . project /
Jul 6, 2011 . Explorer Pipeline operates a 1900-mile fuel pipeline from Gulf Coast refineries to
Aug 19, 2011 . Abstract: The ratings on Explorer Pipeline Co. reflect its strong business . The
The Company generates revenues by charging tariffs for transporting refined .
approval of, tariffs incorporating the terms of the Letter Agreement. Local Pipeline
Jan 13, 2012 . The accompanying joint tariff is sent to you for filing in compliance with . This
Nov 2, 2010 . Manager, Tariffs & Planning Enterprise . . Chevron Phillips Chemical Pipeline
(e.g. Colonial Pipeline for US Gulf Coast, Explorer Pipeline for. Chicago . . Duty
Dec 14, 2011 . The accompanying tariff is sent to you for filing in compliance with . Pipeline
Plantation Pipeline Tariffs Papers and Research , find free PDF download from
An updated Internet Explorer version is available from Microsoft by clicking here.
Dec 8, 2011 . On December 1, 2011, Explorer filed F.E.R.C. Tariff 103.1.0 with an issue . tariffs
Mar 9, 2010 . EXPLORER PIPELINE COMPANY Petroleum Products Proration . Shipper" is
operate a pipeline until it files an initial tariff thirty to sixty days prior to
. Station gain access to markets served by the Colonial and Explorer pipelines.
Welcome to the company profile of Explorer Pipeline on LinkedIn. Explorer
Oct 17, 2011 . SFPP LP answered pleadings filed in response to its tariff filing submitted to .
Internet Explorer 8 Suggestions · Minimum System Requirements · Terms of Use.
Aug 19, 2011 . The pipeline offers highly competitive tariffs to transport petroleum products from
This tariff is issued by. Explorer Pipeline Company (“Explorer”) in connection with