Nov 30, 17
Other articles:
  • www.astrodigital.org/digital/rexxfindstring.htmlCachedSimilarTutorial on writing a REXX program to search a PDS for a string. . removes
  • computer-programming-forum.com/38. /1da42cdb64174802.htmCachedSimilarand tried various iterations of ALLOC and EXECIO. According to . . for mainframe
  • www6.atpages.jp/tokunaga/ClistAndRexxSample/rexxpds.txtCached. PDS FILE MEMBER NAME GET . TEMPDSN IS USERID.PDS.DATASET .
  • www.lbdsoftware.com/ Reading%20and%20Writing%20Data%20using%20REXX%20EXECIO.pdfSimilarREXX programming language and the EXECIO command and . . IBM z/OS 1.2
  • https://support.ca.com/us/knowledge-base-articles.TEC522244.htmlCachedMar 19, 2013 . . of a Librarian master file to a PDS without expanding the -INC statements in the
  • https://stackoverflow.com/. /rexx-writing-long-string-to-pds-memberCachedSimilar. expected maximum record length. Write to it as follows: push command. "
  • mzelden.com/mvsfiles/lastipl.txtCached. the PDS that contains */ /* the output history created by the IPLHIST exec. . rd
  • newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Comp/bit. /msg00163.htmlCachedSimilarMar 29, 2013 . There was much there that I have put to use, SYSDSN, apostrophes, DELETE,
  • https://supportline.microfocus.com/Documentation/. /mdrexx.htmCachedSimilarMore than one PDS can be allocated to each of these DD names. . enables you
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  • https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/bit.listserv.ibm-main/. CachedAug 27, 2013 . On Tue, 27 Aug 2013 08:45:22 -0400, George Shedlock wrote: > >Paul: > You
  • ibmmainframes.com/about45166.htmlCachedSimilarCurrently my rexx only copies a single string and writes it to the PDS . point of I+
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  • www.mainframegurukul.com/ibmmainframeforums/viewtopic.php?. CachedSimilarTSO, CLIST & REXX - Readind a PDS using rexx - Mainframe forum . In TSO/E
  • www.open-softech.com/images/V74_General_Information.pdfCachedSimilarseveral capabilities not provided by the REXX/MVS EXECIO command: . PDS/
  • nwrdc.fsu.edu:1204/NEON/SAMPDATA/qsam.htmCachedYou can read PDS/PDSE directories. The EXECIO command will not read these
  • https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/. /dup0037.htmCachedSimilarAn I/O data set must be either sequential or a single member of a PDS. Before the
  • ftp://www.cbttape.org/pub/xephonm/mvs9805.pdfCachedSimilar"execio 1 diskr gtfdat" . .. jobs will allocate a PDS with a DISP=SHR in the JCL,
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  • www.rexxla.org/events/2015/. /REXXIBM03302015.pdfCachedSimilarThe power of REXX and EXECIO can be used to process data sets with RECFM
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  • www.spgmbh.de/src/batch_bpxwdyn2_en.htmCachedSimilar. Purpose: Submit JCL in an existing PDS from the USS side . diskr jclpds (fini
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  • https://share.confex.com/. / Rexx%20Presentation%20Share%202013%20Boston.pdfCachedSimilarEXECIO. Is a method to read z/OS PDS members and Sequential files. DISKR.
  • bit.listserv.tsorexx.narkive.com/. /can-u-execio-a-pds-memberCachedCan U EXECIO a PDS member. (too old to reply) . If not, what is a best way to
  • ndtdb2.blogspot.com/. /a-rexx-program-to-put-pds-in-sequential.htmlCachedMay 6, 2016 . This Rexx reads a PDS , put it in a sequential format , so i can ftp it on . ARG
  • https://groups.google.com/d/topic/bit.listserv. /qnS5taEdFDUCachedHi All. I run a rexx in batch, and need to update an output pds dataset and create
  • For example, the EXECIO command is not available in OOREXX. This is . The
  • www.rexxinfo.org/Streamio_for_TSO_E_REXX.pdfCachedSimilarthe REXX Stream I/O function package v Documentation, as file STREAMIO.PDF
  • www.mvsforums.com/helpboards/viewtopic.php?p=50419&sid. CachedSimilarIt doesn't do anything different with PDS's that any other language. Why not stick
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