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Please help me! It is a iPod touch 3G 32Gb! I want to restore it to ISO 5.0.1 by
Mar 19, 2012 . "IPod Touch Error 3194 - Help!?" - Find the answer to this question and millions
Aug 10, 2011 . The below videos will show you how to fix error 3194, 1600, 1602, 1013, 1015,
Specs. iPod Touch 2nd gen 3.1.2 Jailbroken Restore to 7D11 from the same. I
If you run into Error 3194 within iTunes when you are trying to restore your
Fix iTunes Error 3193 When updating iphone ipad ipod touch Browse to c:\
Apr 17, 2012 . #2 Downgraden eines iPod Touches - 3194 iTunes Error fix / Whats in my . fw 4.0
Hi all I have Ipod Touch 3g 32GB it was not jailbroken and a day I turned it off but
To fix error 3194. . The new host you added Into the host file needs to be at the
Mar 17, 2012 . Learn how to fix iTunes Error 3194 when downgrading iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch.
ok, before anyone says, i have tried adding saurik's server to the system32/
i hav an ipod touch 4g jailbroken running ios 5.01. am unable to restore my ipod
Dec 1, 2011 . iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, iTunes . This device is not eligible for the requested
Dec 6, 2010 . itunes error 3194 If you run into Error 3194 within iTunes when you are trying to
In the main time if you want to fix iTunes error 3194 and be able to upgrade your
I've got a 3rd gen 32gb Ipod Touch that I'm trying to update to 5.1, before u ask,
im tgrying to upgrade my ipod touch to the newer software, whatever its called but
iTunes Help: How do I fix error 3194? Lounge. . iPod Touch (4th Gen). Join Date
I was on skype a little earlier today when the screen turned white and then turned
Apr 9, 2012 . If you run into Error 3194 within iTunes when you are trying to restore your
ariel says: tengo un ipod touch 1g con la versión 3.1.3 y kisiera aumentar la
Have you been trying to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch and keep
If you got error 3194 while upgrading your iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch 4G, 3G or
Solucionar error 3194 ipod touch 4g - check this search query .www.webstatsdomain.com/. /solucionar+error+3194+ipod+touch+4g/ - Cached - SimilarFix iTunes Error "3194" On iPhone iPad iPod Touch VideoFix iTunes Error 3193 When updating iphone ipad ipod touch Browse to c:\
Error 3194 on ipod touch restore |► Watch how to videos & articles tagged "error
Mar 19, 2012 . How to fix iTunes error 3194? Here are two simple methods that will show you
Amigo de só uma olhada nesse video, ele resolveu meu problema, talvez te
How to restore my ipod touch with error 3194? biggtydiddy. I cant restore my step
May 8, 2011 . Fix iTunes Error 3194 When Restoring / Updating To Stock or Custom 4.3.3 .
How to solve error 3194 on ipod touch, Portable Devices, Handhelds, palmtops,
iTunes Error 3194 While Restoring iOS 4.3.3 – iPhone / iPod Touch. Today I
May 27, 2011 . To be more specific. I have itunes, it still comes up with error 3194. I
Apr 29, 2012 . ipad2 3194 error code 3194 ipod touch 4g os 4.3.2 ipad firmware error 3194
ERROR 3194 SOLUTION / FIX:- Apple recently released the iOS4 firmware
About itunes error 3g, ipad a 3194 when. Code 3194 repair tutorial will show.
I am wondering if anyone has has this same problem. My iPod was on ios 4.1
I'm trying to update my ipod touch 4.3.4 to IOS 5.0 and everything goes well until
Hello, I'm trying to update/restore my iPod Touch 4.3.3 [Jailbroken], . Did you try
10 hours ago . ipod will not update with computer: i get error 3194.. i updated itunes and still
<br>I'm trying to restore a iPod touch to 5.01 and keep getting the error 3194.
I am having iPod Touch 2G here in my case and I have seen that it just come up
i put my ipod touch to dfu mode, i tried to update ito ios 5 with shift left click, when
Fix iTunes Error "3194" On iPhone iPad iPod Touch - YouTube. Apr 19, 2011 .
Since early this morning I've been trying to restore my iPod Touch 3G to 4.3.3, but
Apr 19, 2011 . Earlier this morning when iPhone Dev team released iOS 4.3.2 jailbreak tool,