May 10, 12
Other articles:
  • ERPG-1: 50 ppm ERPG-2: 150 ppm ERPG-3: 1000 ppm. IDLH: 500 ppm LEL:
  • Definitions of ERPG-1 (mild effects), ERPG-2 (serious effects), and ERPG-3 (life-
  • www.OEHHA.Ca.Gov. Page 8 of 11 threatening concentration. OEHHA
  • ERPG Levels Three ERPG values are provided for each of the substances that
  • Three levels of ERPG are defined, the ERPG-3 (the highest of the three) being .
  • Workers: exposure to chemical concentration above ERPG-3 or . numerical
  • ERPG-3. The ERPG exposure level 3 is defined as the maximum airbome
  • ERPG-3 is the maximum airborne concentration below which it is believed that
  • CHRIS Code - 3-letter code used by the U.S. Coast Guard to identify . . 0.1 ppm
  • Feb 1, 2010 . ERPG-1 = 1.0 ppm; ERPG-2 = 3.0 ppm (CalARP Endpoint = 0.0087 mg/l); ERPG-
  • For substances that are in particulate form and for which no ERPG-3 or hierarchy-
  • 2011 ERPG/WEEL Handbook. 21. AIHA Guideline Foundation. Current ERPGTM
  • ERPG-3: The maximum airborne concentration below which it is believed that
  • Synonyms for benzene include (6) annulene, 1,3,5-cyclohexatriene, benceno .
  • by ALOHA to be in the ERPG-3 zone (with ammonia concentrations of at least
  • The 1-h AEGL-2 values are comparable to the ERPG-2, while the AEGL-3 values
  • When appropriate and when the data are sufficient, the ERP Committee may use
  • The AIHA Emergency Response Planning Guidelines (ERPG) levels for
  • ERPG-3 is the maximum concentration in air below which it is believed nearly all
  • Based on the applicable AEGL-3, ERPG-3, or TEEL-3 value. Units. The units of
  • CHRIS Code - 3-letter code used by the U.S. Coast Guard to identify . . 0.3 ppm
  • ERPG-3 is a worst-case planning level, when there is the possibil- ity that
  • NIOSH REL: None established; NIOSH considers 1,3-butadiene to be a potential
  • The AIHA ERP Committee has utilized three guidance concentration levels. Each
  • ERPG-1: 25 ppm; ERPG-2: 200 ppm; ERPG-3: 1000 ppm. National Research
  • ERPG-2**. 0.5. 2.02. ERPG-3***. 1.5. 6.07. * Maximum airborne concentration
  • The ERPG-3 is the maximum airborne concentration below which it is believed
  • The transitions from one category to another are marked by the so called
  • ERPG-3: 100 ppm (60-minute). National Research Council [NRC 1985]
  • Jan 8, 2010 . The levels of the Emergency Response Planning Guidelines (ERPGs) include
  • The ERPG-3 is the maximum airborne concentration below which it is believed
  • HD = 9243 1-. HD = 1878 meters. HD = 6280 feet. For ERPG-1 = 3 mg/m3. HD =
  • 0800 - 1200 ERPG Update Review a. Ammonia – Pauluhn (first published in
  • Jul 23, 2009 . The Agency's focus was on exposure resulting in serious, irreversible health
  • 3 mg(F)/g creatinine in urine pre-shift. 10 mg(F)/g creatinine post-shift***. IDLH.
  • AIHA has developed emergency response planning guidelines (ERPGs) for
  • A chemical may have up to three (3) ERPG values, each of which corresponds to
  • Chemical Name: VINYL CHLORIDE Molecular Weight: 62.50 g/mol. ERPG-1:
  • The ERPG-3 value for Sulfur. Dioxide is listed as 15 ppm (see additional
  • For a few chemicals whose "official" ERPG-1 value was odor-based rather than
  • ERPG-2**. 3300^^. 6336. ERPG-3***. N/A. N.A. * Maximum airborne
  • Upper ERPG-3 should be ERPG-1. Page 210 Example 5-2 at top of page. The
  • human-only LDlo and LClo data, and the corresponding ERPG-3 concentrations.
  • (ACGIH, 1999); ERPG-1: 3 ppm (AIHA, 1999); ERPG-2: 20 ppm (AIHA, 1999);
  • Workers: exposure to chemical concentration above ERPG-3 or equivalent i.e.
  • based on ERPG-3 and ERPG-2 values of ethylene oxide respectively which are
  • ERPG-3. The maximum airborne concentration below which it is believed nearly
  • ERPG-3: The maximum airborne concentration below which it is believed that
  • ERPG-3 (protective against life-threatening effects): 750 ppm (525 mg/m3).
  • ERPG-1, 2003, Emergency Response Planning Guideline, d. 30, 1 hour, ERPG-2

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