May 24, 12
Other articles:
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  • Sep 7, 2011 . Equus caballus, Horse: Domestication. Print. Domestic species such as dogs,
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  • In fact, the only visible difference between the two is that the male has a brood .
  • Scientific Name: Equus caballus. Fast Fact: Some miniature domestic horses
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  • Oct 18, 2005 . Przewalski's wild horse (Equus caballus przewalskii) is a stout, pony-like horse
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  • 1, EQUUS CABALLUS. 2, Name, Latin Name, Status, Mutations/Hybrids,
  • The horse (Equus ferus caballus) is one of two extant subspecies of Equus ferus,
  • Head-body length: 7 feet. Shoulder height: 4 feet. Tail length: 3 feet (Lowry Park
  • Just the Facts: The horse (Equus caballus, sometimes seen as a subspecies of
  • The horse (Equus caballus) is one of ten species in the genus Equus (which
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  • Jun 22, 2008 . Game meat, horse, raw, Equus caballus: Nutrition Facts. Content of Vitamins,
  • Fast Facts. Gallery. Multimedia. Expeditions. Shop. Collaborators. Sponsors. Site
  • Equus caballus. horse. Equus caballus. horse. Equus caballus. horse. Equus
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  • Fun Horse Facts . A young male is called a colt; The scientific name for the
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  • Basic Horse Facts . The scientific name for the horse is equus caballus. . Here
  • Feb 19, 2012 . Vermont State Animal. Morgan Horse Equus caballus Effective: March 23, 1961
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  • From ConnectomeWiki. Jump to: navigation, search. Further Information.
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  • Sep 7, 2011 . Equus caballus, horse: embryology, life cycle and developmental stages at .
  • Our Preschool Horses Fast Facts contains the most complete Early Chilhood .
  • Dec 12, 2003 . Common Used Name: Horse, Equine or Equid Scientific Name: Equus Caballus.
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  • An Ultimate Ungulate Fact Sheet . been assigned to two different species,
  • . and ID guide for all. .. Exmoor Pony, Celtic Pony(Equus ferus caballus) . Facts
  • Fact 1 - Definition: The horse is a solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped
  • Noun, 1. Equus caballus - solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped . www.thefreedictionary.com/Equus+caballus - Cached - SimilarFeral horse (Equus caballus) and Feral Donkey (Equus asinus . FERAL HORSE (EQUUS CABALLUS). AND FERAL DONKEY (EQUUS. ASINUS)
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