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Also, PROC JAVAINFO is often used to verify that the SAS Java environment is
Jul 28, 2009 . Does anyone know if there is a DataSet class in Java like there is in .Net? I am
When would you use compact attributes vs. compact datasets ? . . Memory
Nov 2, 2006 . To: "Alion Sci" <alionsci@xxxxxxxxx>; Subject: Re: [NetCDF] - The JAVA ucar.nc2
Nov 2, 2006 . To: "Netcdf group" <netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Subject: [NetCDF] - The
We are developing a client in C# that uses Web Services writtenin Java. These
Note: this does not apply to the Java HTTP implementation. . . You can specify
Try to check for multiple simple lon-lat grids in a dataset, even if it violates . . An
A Java equivalent of the disconnected model may or not be available as part of
net.sourceforge.openforecast. Class DataSet. java.lang.Object extended by java.
Sep 1, 2010 . How to extract a flat XML dataset from my database? . Is there an equivalent to
Nov 15, 2011 . A JRIO Usage Tracker and a set of JZOS JRIO-Equivalent Sample Code are .
Jun 1, 2004 . Whether there is a Java version of a DataSet object available doesn't . DataSets
java.lang.Object extended by com.esri.arcgis.trackinganalyst.Datasets . This is
Dec 29, 2004 . I agreed with David that DataSet is very powerful but there is no equivalent in
NET DataSet is poised to play a similar role in the realm of managed . back to
java.lang.Object. ↳, android.database.DataSetObserver . Compares this
In the same way, the median value corresponds to the 50th percentile, and the
Dataset is really a useful object, if i'm right then only castor or javaobject can be
It has been noted, however, that the pLSA model is equivalent to the LDA model
Posted by: dee pika; Posted on: November 24 2006 09:15 EST. Please tell me
Mar 28, 2010 . Such usage is arbitrary and if we slip into using equivalent terms like . we also
Declaring the Schemas in the XML Data Set . such as C and Perl, DOM does not
Aug 17, 2006 . Java equivalent to .NET DataTable Point your RSS reader here for a feed of the
In Appendix A you find an example java program which utilizes various . A
Jun 27, 2011 . You need Java to see this. . That is because for this dataset, on the average, an
To select a dataset from a class, check the box beside Use Dataset from Class .
Returns an enumeration of all instances in the dataset. boolean, equalHeaders(
NET, ColdFusion, Erlang, Factor, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Perl, etc.
To contrive an example, consider an XML data set that keeps track of personnel
Jul 10, 2008 . I am converting some .NET VB projects to Java and want to use a dataset /
A Spry XML Data Set is a JavaScript object that you can use to display data from
It is more or less the Java equivilent, though it's simularities were genuinely
NET VB projects to Java and want to use a dataset /datatable approach to
Disabling Java VM on Startup . . Some Differences from C++ and Sun Java Code
Tests if the headers of two instances are equivalent. int, index(int position)
It is entirely written in Java and can be used in a variety of Java-enabled . . of the
This factory returns a Decorator instance. boolean, equals(java.lang.Object obj)
NET VB projects to Java and want to use a dataset /datatable approach to
Re: Where are Strongly Typed Datasets for Java? I am working on a .net project
Sending DataSet equivalent from Java and dateTime conv. Joe Shevland Sat, 11
May 27, 2005. service, the XML it produces may not be interoperable with Java or some other
Is there a ADO.NET dataset equivalent in Java? I am looking for something to call
From personal experience I would say there is no direct equivalent in Java (
Object extended by java.util.AbstractCollection<FormField> extended by .
Dec 15, 2011 . Arrays can be jagged like C or Java, or true MultiDimensional arrays . . FROM
This page describes how I execute a Java bytecode program in batch. . There is
If Java doesn't have an object equivalent to DataSet, then it *is* less powerful
and Java. For data providers, the system simplifies the task of integrating their
Binary Updates; Optional DataSets; Additional Optional DataSets; Data File .