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Jun 15, 2010 . A Guide to Setting Up a German Equatorial Mount. Visit us at: http://www.
The equatorial mount is set at your latitude (lmine is 33° North), and then is polar-
In addition to being fully computerized with a database of over 40000 celestial
Chuck Hawks reviews the Celestron CG-4 German Equatorial Mount, Motor Drive
Aug 26, 2011 . The key to using an equatorial mount is polar alignment - aligning the mount so
Without getting fancy or technical, equatorial mounts are star finders. . When
Rendering of an Equatorial Mount, with electric drive, for a Dobsonian Telescope.
The Foreoptic Equatorial Mount is used to maintain the orientation of the Direct
This telescope, with an equatorial mount, is as easy to build as a Dobsonian. it is
equatorial mount which has one axis of rotation aimed exactly to either the north
OPT stocks Meade LXD75 Schmidt-Cassegrains as well as Celestron CGE and
Many of the telescopes purchased by newcomers to astronomy are supplied with
These web pages describe and illustrate how I improved my CG-5 German
German equatorial mount - Find the largest selection of german equatorial mount
Losmandy is best known for their excellent German Equatorial Mounts. These
Vixen Sphinx SXD Equatorial Mount 2503 ON SALE 2503. Vixen Telescope
Results 1 - 15 of 20 . Shopping is the best place to comparison shop for Telescope Equatorial Mount.
Total Mount Capacity is 250 lbs (excluding counterweights). This type of carrying
OPT offers a huge selection of computerized telescope mounts, including the
Nov 28, 2010 . Video demonstration by "Eyes on the Sky" for aligning an equatorial mount. The
The equatorial mount also has two perpendicular axes of rotation -- right
A second type of mount called the equatorial mount was design to make tracking
An equatorial mount is not as complicated as it seems or looks. Think of the most
SPECIFICATION: R.A. / DEC. AXIS. All machined aluminum and stainless steel,
equatorial mount. A mounting for astronomical telescopes having two axes, one
Home > Classifieds > Astromart Classifieds > Mounts - Equatorial > Classified #
We carry A wide selection of telescope mounts, tripods, focusers and other
May 26, 2011 . I searched for months but I could not convince myself to spend the funds that
Every Equatorial Mount Telescope on Sale at Telescopes.com. Browse and buy
SmartStar PR German Equatorial Mount - GoToNova with 130000 Celestial
An equatorial mount is a mount for instruments that follows the rotation of the sky
Nov 30, 2011 . 1200GTO German Equatorial Mount (1200GTO) . This new level puts a higher
A German equatorial mount or GEM tracks an object using .
Many schemes have been designed for this, perhaps the most popular today are
For no more than the price of a “toy store” 60mm telescope, the AstroMaster 70
Where I live (Norway), it sometimes gets colder than the standard GPDX grease
An equatorial mounting has one axis aligned parallel to the axis of rotation of the
Find CELESTRON PowerSeeker 127 EQ f/8 German Equatorial Mount -
An equatorial telescope mount differs from the alt-az (altitude - azimuth) mount in
Sep 15, 2011 . Buy Celestron CG-5 Motorized Equatorial Telescope Mount with Tripod features "
Here's a nifty little equatorial mount for small telescopes that makes a perfect
This 6" Celestron achromatic refractor telescope has a computerized go-to
Available now for digital download: Sky & Telescope's November 2009 Test
In February we considered observing using a Dobsonian type telescope
The GPDX is one of the most massive of the three "Great Polaris" series German
The GP2 Equatorial Mount is an excellent choice for observers who want a
Jun 7, 2010 . Reviews for Celestron CG-5 Computerized German Equatorial Mount 91518 -
-Do the test I mention below and convince yourself that the mount guides very
In the past, most telescopes used a German equatorial mount (GEM). With the