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"Star Trek" Played by Majel Barrett (as Enterprise computer) . aka "Star Trek:
I think you Can use ENT. but I am not sure go to dictionary.com . answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006021807201 - Cached - SimilarWhat is the abbreviation for enterprises? - Yahoo! AnswersEnt would be an accepted abbreviation.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid. - Cached - SimilarAEI - Addington Enterprises Inc - Abbreviations.comApr 19, 2012 . What does AEI stand for? Definition of AEI in the Abbreviations.com acronyms
Acronym, Definition. CPE, Customer Premise Equipment (telecommunications
There is no 'official' abbreviation for enterprise. However, 'ent.' is commonly used,
Acronym Finder: SMME stands for Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise. This
Download free ppt files and documents about Enterprises Abbreviation or
When a client application, such as ArcGIS Desktop, requests a connection to the
ABBREVIATIONS AND OMISSIONS USED IN CITATIONS . www.law.cornell.edu/citation/4-100.htm - Cached - SimilarLE - Large EnterpriseAcronym Finder: LE stands for Large Enterprise. This definition appears very
The purpose of this tool is to list and define abbreviations used within the supply
The picture shows the abbreviation of the enterprise's name, namely China
Filed Under » Acronyms . A stockholder-owned, government-sponsored
Apr 23, 2012 . What does CLE stand for? Definition of CLE in the Abbreviations.com acronyms
Apr 18, 2012 . What does CLK stand for? Definition of CLK in the Abbreviations.com acronyms
In text, however, only words such as Co., Corp., and Inc. can be abbreviated (
SAFE rate this definition: (Abbreviation) State Administration of Foreign
Small and Medium Enterprises definition, categories, type and other relevant
Feb 15, 2012 . What is the abbreviation for enterprises? ChaCha Answer: The abbreviation for
The Volkseigener Betrieb (German: people-owned enterprise; abbreviation: VEB)
Acronym, Definition. NTE, Note. NTE, Not-To-Exceed. NTE, National Trade
What does ANE stand for? Definition of ANE in the Abbreviations.com acronyms
What is the abbreviation for enterprises? In: Acronyms & Abbreviations [Edit
Apr 24, 2012 . What does CHB stand for? Definition of CHB in the Abbreviations.com acronyms
Aug 8, 2011 . A listing of frequently used CBSA acronyms and their meanings.www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/sme-pme/acronyms-acronymes-eng.html - Cached - SimilarAccounting and Computer Enterprises - Acronyms - The Free . Acronym, Definition. ACE, Advanced Computing Environment. ACE, American
A list of common slang words, acronyms and abbreviations as used in websites,
SemCo Enterprises, Inc. . CSTA and Internet Acronyms Computer Training. You
Dec 14, 2007 . A New Abbreviation for Enterprise: “ERP”. As I'm sure most people have read all
There is no official abbreviation for the word enterprises. However, "ent" is often
enterprises abbreviation free Download - app software at freedownload123.com -
Enterprise, Enter. Entertainment, Ent. Environment, Env't. Environmental, Envtl.
The word Enterprise is generally abbreviated to ENT. First answer by Kajicky.
enterprise definition: noun 1. an undertaking; project; specif., 2. a bold, difficult,
The Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises (Abbreviation: SCORE,
Apr 24, 2012 . What does DYE stand for? Definition of DYE in the Abbreviations.com acronyms
. in a sentence. Example sentences with the word enterprise. enterprise
Search. Kyrgyz Republic, All. Click here for search results . web.worldbank.org/. /0,,contentMDK:20206131~menuPK:972459~pagePK: 1497618~piPK:217854~theSitePK:305761,00.html - Cached - SimilarWhat is ERP? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer . This page describes the term ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and lists other
According to the strictest definition of an acronym, only abbreviations that are . .
The name of the individual enterprise, including the abbreviation, should include
Top questions and answers about What Is the Abbreviation for Enterprises. Find
Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises definition, categories, type and other
Abbreviation. Description. - A -. A/P. Administrative/Professional. A/R. Accounts
Glossary and Abbreviation List. bernardbook. Enterprise Architecture Terms.
Top questions and answers about Abbreviation for Enterprise. Find 12 questions
GSE: abbreviation for government sponsored enterprises. by LoanSafe on July
Practical advice, news, reviews and tools for building and managing an
Government of India. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS . . Public Enterprises Survey. PF