Other articles:
FCrDNS, or forward-confirmed reverse DNS, or full-circle reverse DNS, also .
Jul 12, 2009 . The Reverse DNS Lookup Zones are maintained on: . SmarterMail, along with
The PTR (reverse DNS record) is a DNS record that links an IP . used to check
Debugging possible errors while testing the Backup Email Services. Reverse
COM offers a range of free DNS Tools and Free Anycast DNS Hosting. . in depth
May 28, 2010 . As an example, enable Blocking for Reverse DNS, if an incoming email message
reverse > DNS lookup to see what response my DNS server is giving? > I'm trying
Free online smtp mail server diagnostics tool to check for an Open Relay, to verify
Check your reverse DNS record. FCrDNS test. . Reverse DNS test . While
Jul 24, 2009 . I have heard that most spam filters use a reverse DNS lookup on the originating
Declude email security - Call 866 332 5833 . DNS Stuff - Spam Database
The DNS lookup tests a specific IP address and returns the hostname associated
(If you are using a dynamic IP address or do not have an Email server, please .
Some of the technologies/RFC Compliance your Email server is tested for are:
DNSstuff offers DNS tools, Network tools, Email tools, DNS reporting and IP
DNS Tools is a collection of tools to help you test various network components. .
PTR Lookup, MX Health Check - Test your email and server status, Mail Distiller.
Select PNG chart if you intend to email the results and would like to have the
Dec 14, 2006 . Q. How do I test or check reverse DNS for given IP address under Linux . 10
The Reverse DNS test performs a reverse DNS lookup for a specific IP address .
Free DNS Report & Mail Server Health Check for IPv4 and IPv6. . Reverse DNS
DNSgoodies.com - Free utilities for DNS check, Open relay tests, Spam lookups,
Will perform a Reverse DNS lookup on your IP to check if it corresponds to your .
Reverse DNS Naming Conventions, Check Dynamic Address . The principal is
You can click Diagnostics , which will connect to the mail server, verify reverse
Free online tool for domain and email ptr lookup, dns ptr test for exist. . The PTR
Hello, Here are a few guidelines for setting up and checking the DNS for your
. IP whitelist, sender and recipient email whitelists; Reverse DNS test; Sender .
DNS Lookup tool, Reverse IP lookup tool & DNS Monitoring service - www.
To learn more, refer to Validate e-mail address via syntax check and DNS MX
This site does a reverse DNS lookup of an IP address by searching domain . the
Mar 14, 2011 . Reverse DNS is IP address to domain name mapping - the opposite of . So if
Why Forward Confirmed rDNS is Important - FCrDNS helps prevent others from
Reverse PTR Records - Use This Tool To Check Your Reverse PTR Record. . If
Oct 26, 2010 . Reverse DNS (rDNS) queries are very often employed to identify email servers
To prevent email spam (aka unsolicited bulk email), both end users and . 3.10
I states that my Reverse DNS does not match my SMTP banner, shouldn't this . .
The Forward/Reverse DNS tool checks a domain or IP address for proper PTR
And alhough the test sites say my settings should work, I'm still getting these
Apr 22, 2009 . Summary: Today I want to let you know about another free resource that we offer
Dec 1, 2011 . Email issues – an education in reverse DNS . MXToolbox.com has some nice
Hello I use mxtoolbox to test - > smtp:Test mail server SMTP (port 25) Then I
Jul 22, 2010 . Frequently asked questions about email, both general and specific. . . If in doubt,
Reverse DNS is the opposite of this, resolving IP addresses to a domain name. .
Email Security Grader is a free online tool which helps IT and mail . Reverse
Reverse DNS lookup technique is able to identify if the sending e-mail server is .
This article is about the network process of reverse DNS lookup. . One e-mail
Tools: Ping, Trace route, NS Lookup, Dig, MX test, CNAME lookup, port scan, .
If you can't set up reverse DNS by yourself and keep on experiencing email
test. Current IP-Address: Hostname: . CH - 8547 Gachnang. E-